[Abstract]:The development of society and the progress of economy have put forward new requirements for rice planting. The simultaneous development of increasing rice yield and improving rice quality has become the main development direction of rice production in the new era. In this experiment, the near isogenic lines of different Wx genes (Wxa, Wxin, Wxb, wx) were used as test materials, and different nitrogen fertilizer treatments were set up to observe the starch properties of different Wx genotypes of rice and their response to nitrogen fertilizer at later stage. The main results are as follows: 1. The yield of rice with different Wx genotypes in two years is consistent with that of WxaWxin Wxbwx genotype. At the same time, the response of Wxa and Wxin genotypes to nitrogen fertilizer was different, and the yield of Wxa and Wxin genotypes increased greatly in the following period. The Wxb genotype was relatively low, but the Wxb genotype was relatively insensitive to late fertilization. 2. Different Wx genes were introduced into waxy rice (wx genotype) to significantly increase the brown rice rate and milled rice rate. The amylose content and gel consistency of rice were significantly different from those of Wx genotype, showing obvious indica and japonica quality characteristics. Wxa and Wxin genotypes were more sensitive to late fertilization than Wxb and Wx genotypes. 3. The percentage of small starch grains and medium starch grains increased after the introduction of Wx gene. The volume percentage of large starch granules decreased. The surface area and quantity percentage of starch granules showed that non-waxy materials had higher proportion of small starch granules and lower proportion of medium and large starch granules than waxy materials. The volume percentage of small starch grains was positively correlated with the gelatinization characteristics. With the increase of nitrogen application rate, the volume, surface area and quantity percentage of small starch grains increased, while that of medium starch grains was opposite to that of small starch grains. The branching degree of amylopectin was WxWxbWxinWxa, indicating that the more indica type, the less short chain proportion. The starch crystallinity, swelling potential and so on also showed corresponding changes. The amylopectin content and disintegration value of rice, gelatinization temperature were obvious. The branching degree of amylopectin was inversely correlated with each index. The reaction of starch structure to nitrogen fertilizer in late stage was generally characterized by the decrease of short-chain ratio in indica wa materials and the increase of long-chain ratio in Japonica Wxb materials. Starch crystallinity and swelling potential decreased with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer level in the late stage, negatively correlated with amylopectin, and positively correlated with amylopectin branching degree. 5. The dynamic changes of Wx gene expression intensity of different genotypes were basically the same. In strong grains, Wx gene expression increased after heading and left 10 days after heading. GBSS activity was positively correlated with Wx gene expression. With the increase of fertilization level, Wxa and Wxin gene expression increased significantly, Wx gene expression was generally very low, and was relatively insensitive to late fertilization. SS activity showed corresponding changes.
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