[Abstract]:Litopenaeus vannamei, also known as Penaeus vannamei, has a strong adaptability to adversity, a faster growth rate and higher nutritional value. Since its introduction to China in 1988, after nearly 30 years of cultivation and development, Penaeus vannamei has become one of the three major shrimp breeds in China. As the most important environmental factor, ammonia nitrogen, which is harmful to shrimp healthy culture, can enter the tissue fluid of Penaeus vannamei through physiological metabolic pathway and cause blood ammonia. The sensitivity of Penaeus vannamei to ammonia-nitrogen stress was different at different developmental stages. In addition, the sensitivity of Penaeus vannamei to ammonia-nitrogen stress was also significantly different in different families with the same specifications. Therefore, the sensitivity of Penaeus vannamei to ammonia-nitrogen stress at different developmental stages was studied firstly, and then a comparative study was conducted between a family with poor environmental stress resistance (A3281, A) and a family with strong environmental stress resistance (B3271, B), with emphasis on the enzymes related to ammonia-nitrogen metabolism (glutamate). The activities of dehydrogenase (GDHase), glutamine synthase (GSase) and transglutaminase (TGase) and the temporal and spatial variations of their corresponding genes in response to ammonia-nitrogen stress lay a foundation for revealing the sensitivity of Penaeus vannamei to ammonia-nitrogen stress and its molecular mechanism, and provide scientific basis for breeding new strains resistant to ammonia-nitrogen. The results were as follows: 1. Phase II (Z2) of flea-like larvae was the most sensitive to ammonia-nitrogen stress in the early growth stage of Penaeus vannamei. The LC50 was 17.811 mg/L.2, and three enzymes related to ammonia-nitrogen metabolism responded to ammonia-nitrogen stress. (1) Comparative analysis of GDHase activity in different tissues of two families under different concentrations of ammonia-nitrogen stress (3.4-24.6 mg/L) significantly affected Fan. GDHase activity in shrimp tissues: GDHase activity in muscle of two families was significantly inhibited with the increase of ammonia concentration (p0.05); GDHase activity in liver and pancreas tissues of two families was induced with the increase of ammonia concentration in the first five days of stress, but it was significantly inhibited in the later period (5-10 days) of stress (p0.05). There was no significant difference in the activity of GDHase in tissues (p0.05). (2) The activity of GSase in muscle tissue of Penaeus vannamei from two families was induced with the increase of ammonia concentration, but there was significant difference in the activity of GSase in hepatopancreas between families. With the increase of ammonia nitrogen concentration, TGase activity of muscle and hepatopancreas was inhibited significantly in the early stage of ammonia nitrogen stress (T5 days). TGase activity decreased gradually with the increase of ammonia concentration; TGase activity showed significant family differences at the late stage of stress (T5 days). TGase activity in two tissues of family B was significantly inhibited with the increase of ammonia concentration, while that in family A was significantly induced (p0.05). Ammonia-nitrogen stress, the muscle tissue of two families of Penaeus vannamei can maintain ammonia-nitrogen balance by activating ammonia-nitrogen converting enzyme activity (GSase) and inhibiting the activity of ammonia-nitrogen production enzyme (TGase). 3. The integrated biomarker response (IBR) index of three enzymes related to ammonia-nitrogen metabolism was analyzed at three time points. IBR analysis showed that ammonia-nitrogen stress had the greatest effect on the activities of GSase and TGase in the muscle tissues of Penaeus vannamei, and the influence increased with the increase of ammonia-nitrogen concentration. The response time of family B to ammonia-nitrogen stress (T5 days) was significantly earlier than that of family A (5T10 days). It can be inferred that the B muscle tissue of the resistant family could take the lead in regulating the metabolism of ammonia nitrogen through the catalysis of ammonia-nitrogen metabolizing enzymes, especially accelerating the metabolic pathway of glutamate and NH4+ synthesis of glutamine. The results showed that hepatopancreas played a more important role in ammonia-nitrogen stress with the increase of ammonia-nitrogen concentration in the environment. Hepatopancreas was an important target tissue of ammonia-nitrogen stress. 4. The temporal and spatial variation of three ammonia-nitrogen metabolizing enzymes in response to ammonia-nitrogen stress (1) Muscles of different families Comparison of the expression patterns of ammonia-nitrogen metabolizing enzymes genes in meat tissues The expression of GDH-beta and GS genes in muscle tissues of the two families were significantly affected by ammonia-nitrogen concentrations (p0.05). Overall, the expression levels of the two genes were significantly increased with the prolongation of ammonia-nitrogen stress time and the increase of ammonia-nitrogen concentration. Family A (p0.05) showed that family B had a strong ability to mobilize ammonia-nitrogen transformation, which revealed the reasons for the difference of ammonia-nitrogen tolerance in different families. At the later stage of stress, the expression of TG gene in muscle tissue of the two families was significantly different: with the increase of ammonia-nitrogen concentration, TG gene in muscle of family A was significantly down-regulated, while that in muscle of family B was significantly down-regulated. The expression of GDH-beta, GS and TG genes in the hepatopancreas of the two families showed significant difference (p0.05). With the increase of ammonia concentration, the expression of the three genes in the hepatopancreas of the family A were significantly different. The expression of GDH-beta and GS genes in hepatopancreas of both families increased with the increase of ammonia nitrogen in the late stage of stress (5T10 days). In addition, the expression of TG gene showed the same downward trend. It indicated that hepatopancreas of B families with strong resistance could activate ammonia nitrogen metabolic group by increasing ammonia nitrogen concentration in the environment. This study not only enriched the basic biological knowledge of different families of Penaeus vannamei in response to ammonia nitrogen stress, but also laid a foundation for revealing the molecular mechanism of Penaeus vannamei in response to ammonia nitrogen stress and the cultivation of new strains of Penaeus vannamei resistant to ammonia nitrogen stress.
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