[Abstract]:Powdery mildew (Tenebrio molitor Linneeus), also known as bread worm and yellow powder A, is now mainly raised in captivity. Because of its rich protein and fatty acids, fatty acids account for more than 30% of the dry weight of its larvae. The content of unsaturated fatty acids accounts for more than 70% of the fatty acids of powdery mildew, which can be used not only as a feed for domestic birds and pets, but also as an edible insect. Therefore, the identification of fatty acid synthesis pathway and key genes is very important for food safety and further processing of food ingredients. In addition, the derivatives of fatty acids in insects, including sphingolipids, glycerides, fatty alcohols, waxes and hydrocarbons, play an important role in pheromone synthesis, epidermis formation, energy supply, insect cold tolerance, etc. The key enzymes in the pathway may become new pesticide target sites for pest control. For the above reasons, the key genes of fatty acid synthesis pathway were analyzed by sequencing the transcriptome at different developmental stages. At the same time, based on the transcriptional data, the ultra-long chain fatty acid extension enzyme (ELO),) was amplified and cloned to interfere with the RNA of the egg and mature larvae of Molitor, and the phenotypic changes were observed, and the heterologous expression of ELO was carried out to verify the function. The main results are as follows: 1. The transcriptome sequence of 7 developmental stage eggs, 1st instar larva, 2nd instar larva, mature larva, pupa, male adult and female adult were sequenced. 32806 items of unigenes with annotated information obtained from 104937 unigenes,. Among them, there are 14 (ACC) genes, 75 (FAS) genes, 83 (ELO) genes and 101 (FAR) genes of fatty acid synthesis pathway key genes acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase, fatty acid synthase (FAS) 75, hyperlong chain fatty acid extension enzyme (ELO) 83 and lipoyl coenzyme A reductase (FAR) 101, respectively. Fatty acid dehydrogenase gene (FAD) 75, 5 key genes were selected respectively, the expression of fatty acid dehydrogenase at different age was analyzed by cluster analysis and qRT-PCR verification. The trend of overlap was 87.7%. The expression of ACC,FAS was high in male adult stage and low in other stages. FAD gene was expressed in female adult stage and very low in other stages. FAR was expressed in all stages. By comparing with KEGG database, 44586 genes were assigned to 331 pathways, 113 of which were related to fatty acid synthesis pathway, 119 to saturated fatty acid synthesis pathway and 49 to fatty acid extension pathway. All of the contigs were analyzed by cluster analysis. In addition, the fatty acid composition of the mature larvae was analyzed, and the unsaturated fatty acid content was as high as 73.2. Three full-length TmELO cDNA (1005bpc972 BP and 936bp were obtained, with characteristic motifs of ELO such as HXXHH, which were predicted to be located in endoplasmic reticulum and had transmembrane structure. QRT-PCR showed that three TmELO were in eggs, 1st instar larva, 2nd instar larva, older mature larva and pupa. The expression of TmELO1 was lower in the egg stage, higher in the egg stage, and the expression of TmELO3 was higher in the egg stage. By injecting dsRNA, to interfere the transcription level of mature larvae and eggs, it was found that mRNA levels in eggs and mature larvae were significantly inhibited for a period of time. The hatching rate of egg TmELO3 gene was significantly decreased, and the mortality of mature larva TmELO1 and TmELO3 genes was increased. TmELO1,TmELO2 and TmELO3, were expressed in INVSc1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It was found that the expression of TmELO1 could produce C20: 0 fatty acids and extend to C24: 0 TmELO 2. The proportion of fatty acids C16: 0 and C16: 1 increased mainly in yeast. After TmELO3 expression, the fatty acid composition of yeast did not change.
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