[Abstract]:Objective: to study the frequency distribution of alleles and genotypes of SLC22A1 (rs34059508,rs4646277,rs72552763) locus in healthy young Uygur men in Xinjiang, and to study the effect of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) family history on SLC22A1 gene mutation. To provide theoretical basis for individualized therapy of metformin hydrochloride in patients with T2DM. Methods: 276 healthy male volunteers from Xinjiang Uygur nationality were recruited. The peripheral blood samples were collected from 276 healthy volunteers. DNA, was extracted from the peripheral blood of the subjects and the alleles of SLC22A1 gene (rs34059508,rs4646277,rs72552763) loci were analyzed by Snapshot technique. The data were compared with Asian, Caucasian and African-American populations. Results: 1. The distribution frequency of rs34059508 allele G and A were 99.8 and 0.2.The frequency of genotype distribution was as follows: G / G99.6 and G / A0.4and Ar / A0, respectively. The frequencies of C and T alleles of rs4646277 locus were 97.1and 2.9.The genotypic frequencies were C / C 94.2and C / T 5.8T / T, respectively. The distribution frequency of rs72552763 allele G and T were 80.6 and 19.4, respectively. The frequency of genotype distribution was: G / G 65.9 and T / T 29.3and T / T 4.8%.SLC22A1 gene rs34059508,rs4646277,rs72552763 loci were in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg genetic balance and had population representativeness (X2 + 0.009 / P0. 927); X2 = 0.246 P0. 620, X2 = 0. 034, P0. 224). The allelic and genotype frequencies of rs34059508 locus were significantly higher than those of Asian population, Caucasian population and African American population (P0.05). The frequency of rs34059508 allele A of SLC22A1 gene in Xinjiang Uygur population was lower than that in Caucasian population (P0.01). The allelic and genotype frequencies of rs4646277 locus were significantly different from those of Asian population, Caucasian population and African American population (P0.05). The allele T frequency of rs4646277 locus of SLC22A1 gene in Xinjiang Uygur population was higher than that in Han nationality (P0.01). There were 19 positive subjects with 3.T2DM family history, 12 of them had SLC22A1 gene mutation, the mutation rate was 63.16% (12 / 19), and there were 208 cases with negative T2DM family history. The mutation rate of SLC22A1 gene was 77.9% (162 / 208). Conclusion: there are mutations in SLC22A1 gene (rs34059508,rs4646277,rs72552763) loci in Xinjiang Uygur males. The mutation rate was different from that of other races. No mutation at locus rs72552763 was reported in other races. No T2DM family history was found to be associated with SLC22A1 gene mutation.
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