[Abstract]:Corn is one of the three major food crops in the world, and it is also an important industrial raw material. Its yield and quality are of vital importance to human beings. Among the many adversity factors affecting crop yield and quality drought is undoubtedly a common and influential adversity stress which is an important problem restricting agricultural production. The effects of drought stress on the growth and development of maize were very great. China is an agricultural production country with serious water shortage, especially in northwest China. Without effective irrigation methods, crops are in drought stress for a long time. Therefore, using transgenic technology to improve drought resistance of maize varieties is a quick and effective way to reduce the effect of drought on maize yield and quality. Root system is an important organ of plants. Its main function is to absorb water and nutrients and synthesize essential hormones. Whether the root system is developed or not is directly related to the drought resistance ability of maize, which affects the composition of the upper ground parts of maize such as stem and leaf, as well as the final yield. Cytokinin is closely related to plant growth and development. The key enzyme in its metabolic pathway is cytokinin oxidase (CKX), which can regulate the content of cytokinin in plants. And then regulate the growth and development of each part of plant tissues and organs. In this study, a rice root-specific expression gene, EXP18D promoter, was linked to the CKX gene and transformed into maize inbred lines to promote the growth and development of their roots, with a view to obtaining drought-tolerant maize varieties. In this study, AtCKX3 gene was introduced into maize inbred lines by pollen tube pathway. After spraying glyphosate herbicide on T _ 0, T _ 1 and T _ 2 generations, 130 transgenic homozygous lines with glyphosate resistance were obtained. Then, the T _ 2 homozygous lines were identified for drought tolerance, and 10 transgenic lines with strong drought tolerance were selected. Then it was proved that glyphosate-resistant herbicide gene EPSP and target gene CKX3 had been successfully introduced into the genome of maize inbred lines C92, 2416572 by molecular detection and some routine root measurements, and the gene could be inherited and expressed stably. The physiological and yield indexes such as plant height, leaf area, 1000-grain weight and so on in drought-treated transgenic lines and C92, 2416 inbred lines were determined. The results showed that the CKX3 transgenic lines were obviously superior to C92 inbred lines in each index. In addition, eight inbred lines (572) with T _ 4 homozygous transgenic lines and 572 inbred lines at seedling stage were tested. The results showed that the drought tolerance of transgenic homozygous lines with over-expression of CKX3 gene was higher than that of inbred lines. The results showed that the drought tolerance of transgenic homozygous lines with higher T _ 4 generation and 572 inbred lines was higher than that of inbred lines. Based on the micro-drop digital PCR platform, a copy number analysis method of foreign genes in transgenic maize was established, and the samples were identified quickly. Several single copies of transgenic maize lines were identified from T _ 0 generation transgenic maize lines, and a single copy analysis method for transgenic maize plants was established, and several single copy single plants were identified from the T _ 0 generation transgenic maize lines. The accuracy of the method is compared with that of real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR. From the experimental data, it can be seen that the results of the two methods are relatively consistent, and the results of single copy detection are highly consistent. But the ddPCR test operation is more simple, the test results are repeatable, and the test data are more accurate and reliable. Studies have shown that ddPCR is a more convenient, rapid and accurate method for the analysis of foreign gene copy numbers, which is based on its significant advantages in accuracy and sensitivity. It will be widely used in the analysis of foreign gene copy number in transgenic crops.
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