[Abstract]:[objective] to investigate the mechanism of the effect of sucrose phosphate Synthase (SPS) gene expression on yield and sugar accumulation in sugarcane virus-free healthy seedlings. To provide theoretical reference for increasing sugarcane yield and sucrose content. [methods] (CK), a virus-free healthy seedling and an unvirus-free seedling of sugarcane variety Xintaitang 22, were used as test materials at seedling stage and tiller stage, respectively. Mixed sampling was carried out at jointing stage and mature stage, including immature leaves, young stems and mature stems. Different types of SPS genes (SPSA,SPSB,SPSC,) were detected and analyzed by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (q PCR). The expression of SPSD1 and SPSD2 in different tissues at different growth stages. [results] different types of SPS genes were expressed in different parts of sugarcane virus-free healthy seedlings, and the expression of SPSD1 and SPSD2 genes was significantly different in immature leaves and mature leaves. There was also significant difference between SPSA,SPSB,SPSD1 and CK. The expression of SPSA,SPSB,SPSD1 and SPSD2 genes in the stem nodes of virus-free healthy seedlings was higher than that of CK.. The expression of SPSA gene in virus-free healthy seedlings was lower than that of CK, the expression of SPSB gene was higher than that of CK, but the expression of SPSD1 and SPSD2 genes was not significantly different from that of CK. The expression of SPSB gene in virus-free healthy seedlings was lower than that of CK in 10 脳 37 stem nodes at mature stage, but the expression of SPSA,SPSD1 and SPSD2 genes was not significantly different from that of CK. On the whole, with the increase of Internode maturity of stem, SPSA,SPSB, The expression of SPSD1 and SPSD2 genes in virus-free healthy seedlings decreased gradually with that of CK. [conclusion] different types of SPS genes were differentially expressed in different tissues of virus-free healthy seedlings of sugarcane at different growth stages. It is speculated that virus free treatment can promote the expression of SPS gene in leaves and immature stem nodes, and is beneficial to increase the yield and sucrose content of sugar cane.
【作者单位】: 中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所/中国热带农业科学院甘蔗研究中心/农业部热带作物生物学与遗传资源利用重点实验室;
【基金】:国家“863”计划项目(2013AA102604-1) 海南省自然科学基金项目(20163124) 中央级公益性农业科研院所基本科研业务费专项项目(ITBB2015RC04,ITBB2015ZY12)
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