[Abstract]:Aim: to consider a one-dimensional coupled oscillator chain with Duffing type nonlinear, viscous damping and motion harmonic excitation. In this paper, an approximate equation describing amplitude and phase is derived. The conditions for the occurrence of two kinds of basic resonance states (common resonance and reverse resonance) are obtained and tested. The influence of model parameters on the synchronization rate is analyzed at the same time. Innovation: 1. The cross correlation of time series is used to measure the mutual butterflies between certain oscillators, and a series of numerical experiments are carried out to verify the predicted results. 2. Some brief explanations of system resonance considering dry friction are given. Methods: 1. The classical mean value method is used for theoretical analysis. 2. The MEBDFV solver is used to calculate the numerical solution of the multi-free system. Conclusion: 1. Two kinds of resonance phenomena are determined by the mean value method: the in-phase state (low-frequency excitation) and the inverse-phase state (high-frequency excitation); 2. The prediction of in-phase resonance is trivial but suitable for multi-degree-of-freedom oscillator chains. The prediction of inverse phase resonance is suitable for short oscillator chains. The synchronization rate can be improved by changing the physical parameters of the system.
【作者单位】: Institute
【基金】:supported by the Polish National Science Center under the Grant MAESTRO 2(No.2012/04/A/ST8/00738)for years 2012 2016
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