发布时间:2018-02-28 19:26
本文关键词: Bt棉 涝渍 杀虫蛋白 氮代谢 出处:《作物学报》2017年11期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:以Bt棉常规种泗抗1号和杂交种泗抗3号为材料,于盛蕾期设计不同程度涝渍(土壤持水量为最大持水量的90%、100%,渍水2 cm)胁迫4 d以及土壤持水量为最大持水量90%逆境下持续胁迫24~120 h的试验,探讨棉蕾中Bt杀虫蛋白表达量变化及相关氮代谢生理机制。结果表明,土壤不同涝渍程度影响棉蕾Bt蛋白含量。土壤持水量为最大持水量的90%、100%和渍水2 cm处理胁迫后,常规种泗抗1号棉蕾中Bt蛋白含量分别下降36.5%、42.1%和51.4%,杂交种泗抗3号分别下降19.2%、57.2%和64.5%。90%的土壤持水量持续胁迫96 h使棉蕾Bt蛋白含量开始显著下降,泗抗1号和泗抗3号分别下降20.8%和17.6%。随着胁迫时间延长下降幅度增大。不同涝渍程度或水渍持续胁迫条件下,棉蕾中可溶性蛋白含量,硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酸草酰乙酸转氨酶(GOT)、谷氨酸丙酮酸转氨酶(GPT)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)和谷氨酸合成酶(GOGAT)活性下降,游离性氨基酸含量,肽酶、蛋白酶活性增加。说明涝渍逆境下,棉蕾中蛋白质合成能力下降、分解能力增强,引起可溶性蛋白包括Bt杀虫蛋白含量下降,导致棉蕾抗虫性下降。
[Abstract]:The conventional BT cotton strain Sikang1 and the hybrid Sikang3 were used as materials. The experiment of waterlogging (90 ~ 100 cm of maximum soil water holding capacity, 2 cm of soil waterlogging) was designed at the stage of Sheng Bud. The experiment was carried out for 4 days under the stress of soil water holding capacity being the maximum water holding capacity of 90%, and the continuous stress was 24 ~ 120h under the stress of 90%. The changes of BT insecticidal protein expression in cotton bud and the related physiological mechanism of nitrogen metabolism were studied. The results showed that different soil waterlogging degree affected the BT protein content of cotton bud, and the soil water holding capacity was 90% of the maximum water holding capacity and 2 cm of waterlogging. The content of BT protein in cotton bud of Sikang No. 1 decreased by 36.52.1% and 51.4%, respectively, and that of hybrid sikang 3 decreased by 19.2% and 64.57.2% and 64.50.90%, respectively, and the content of BT protein in cotton bud began to decrease significantly after 96 h of continuous stress. Sikang 1 and Sikang 3 decreased by 20.8% and 17.6 respectively. The content of soluble protein in cotton bud increased with the prolongation of stress time. The activities of nitrate reductase (NRN), glutamic acid oxaloacetic acid transaminase (glutamic acid oxaloacetic acid transaminase), glutamic acid pyruvate transaminase (GPTN), glutamine synthase (GSG) and glutamate synthase (GOGATT) decreased, and the contents of free amino acids, peptidase and protease activities increased. The protein synthesis ability and decomposition ability of cotton bud decreased, which resulted in the decrease of soluble protein, including BT insecticidal protein content, which resulted in the decrease of cotton bud insecticidal resistance.
【作者单位】: 扬州大学江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室;中国农业科学院棉花研究所棉花生物学国家重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(31471435,31301263,31671613) 江苏省三新工程项目[SXGC(2014)317,(2016)320] 江苏省高等教育优势学科发展计划(PAPD) 中国农业科学院棉花研究所植棉技术标准化研究与示范团队项目(2016PCTS-1)资助~~
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