本文选题:土地利用 + 遥感 ; 参考:《农业工程学报》2017年22期
【摘要】:21世纪初期,中国耕地与粮食产量变化区域差异明显,为了解21世纪初期中国耕地与粮食生产的时空变化及粮食生产对耕地面积变化的响应,该文利用2000年和2010年两期30 m分辨率的全球地表覆盖数据(Globe Land30),借助统计分析手段对2000-2010年中国耕地和粮食生产的时空变化和粮食生产对耕地面积的依赖程度进行分析。结果表明:1)中国耕地主要分布在东部地区,研究时段内,耕地与林地、草地和人工表面之间的转换最多,耕地变化的特点是"西增东减,总量减少",面积净减少了104.03万hm2,年均减少10.4万hm2。2)中国的粮食生产主要集中在东北、华北和南方地区。粮食产量变化的特点是"北增南减,总量增加"。3)中国耕地分布的集中程度会影响粮食生产的集中程度,且粮食生产分布的集中程度普遍高于耕地。中国耕地分布重心和粮食生产分布重心的移动方向相反,耕地面积的分布表现出了"南退西移"的趋势,粮食生产的重心则是"北上东移",中国的粮食生产格局已转变为"北粮南调"。4)全国有32.24%县(市)的粮食生产都表现出了对耕地数量的依赖,主要分布在东北、华北、西部、长城沿线、西南和东南沿海地区。中国耕地保护政策的制定和粮食生产的可持续发展应该遵循因地制宜的原则,在粮食生产对耕地变化敏感性高的地区,应该加强对耕地数量、质量的保护和农户种粮积极性的提高,更要重视不敏感地区耕地地力的保护和单产水平的提高,以保障中国的粮食安全。
[Abstract]:In the early 21st century, there are obvious regional differences between cultivated land and grain yield in China. In order to understand the temporal and spatial changes of cultivated land and grain production and the response of grain production to the change of cultivated land area in the early 21st century, In this paper, the global land cover data with 30 m resolution in 2000 and 2010 are used to analyze the temporal and spatial changes of cultivated land and grain production and the degree of dependence of grain production on cultivated land area in China from 2000 to 2010 by means of statistical analysis. The results show that the cultivated land in China is mainly distributed in the eastern part of China. During the period of study, the conversion between cultivated land and woodland, grassland and artificial surface is the most, and the change of cultivated land is characterized by "increasing to east and decreasing from west to east". China's grain production is mainly concentrated in Northeast China, North China and South China, with a net decrease of 1.0403 million hm ~ (2) and an average annual decrease of 104000 hm ~ (2. 2). The change of grain yield is characterized by "increasing in north and decreasing in south, increasing in total amount". 3) the concentration degree of cultivated land distribution in China will affect the concentration degree of grain production, and the concentration degree of grain production distribution is generally higher than that of cultivated land. The center of gravity of cultivated land distribution in China is opposite to the center of gravity of grain production distribution. The distribution of cultivated land area shows the trend of "moving southward and westward". The focus of grain production is "moving northward to the east" .China 's grain production pattern has changed to "transferring grain from north to south" .4The grain production in 32.24% of counties (cities) all over the country has shown dependence on the amount of cultivated land, mainly distributed in the Northeast, North China, and the West. The Great Wall along, southwest and southeast coastal areas. The formulation of China's cultivated land protection policy and the sustainable development of grain production should follow the principle of adapting measures to local conditions. In areas where grain production is highly sensitive to changes in cultivated land, the amount of cultivated land should be strengthened. The protection of quality and the improvement of farmers' enthusiasm for grain planting should pay more attention to the protection of cultivated land fertility and the improvement of yield level in insensitive areas in order to ensure China's grain security.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室;中国科学院大学;
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