本文选题:粘土沙障 + 生物结皮 ; 参考:《中国林业科学研究院》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The influence of soil crust on soil hydrologic process and vegetation growth distribution has been a topic of concern in academic circles. In this paper, the influence of soil soil crust on soil hydrology process in different developmental stages is analyzed through the ecological investigation of soil crust in different ages and natural monitoring of soil moisture dynamics after rainfall. According to the present situation of vegetation growth and distribution in various fields, the law and mechanism of the ecological hydrological process and the dynamics of the desert vegetation on the edge of clay sand barrier in the Minqin oasis are preliminarily summarized. The preliminary conclusions are as follows: (1) in the last 50 years, the annual average precipitation at the edge of Minqin oasis is 115.6mm, and the monthly distribution difference is large, mainly in the month of 6~9. The daily rainfall distribution of the annual precipitation of 73.92%. in the last 10 years shows that the rainfall frequency of the two rainfall levels is the highest in 0.1~5.0mm and 5.0~10.0mm, accounting for 81.9% of the annual rainfall times, 12.6%, and more than 5% of the precipitation frequency of 10.0mm, which accounts for the 35.1%. of the annual total rainfall from the angle of rain and rain, and the rainfall in Minqin area is divided into heavy rainfall intensity. There are two kinds of heavy rain and heavy rain. (2) the soil crust can be divided into biological crust and physical crust in the artificial sand fixing vegetation area on the edge of Minqin oasis. In the early 1960s, in 60s, the artificial sand fixing vegetation areas in 70s are mainly biological crusts, and the artificial sand fixing vegetation areas in 90s and 2010s are the physical crust and 80s. In the middle. The analysis of soil physicochemical properties showed that the thickness of the crust, the compaction degree, the content of sticky powder, the content of organic matter and total nitrogen were increased with the increase of sand fixing years, but the bulk density decreased with the increase of fixed period of sand fixation. (3) there was a difference in precipitation interception between the nodal cortex and the 2-10cm soil layer. Positive correlation (r=0.961), and the longer the growth period of the crust, the greater the effect of rainfall interception and the movement of water in the soil, the precipitation interception in the.2-10cm soil layer decreases with the increase of sand fixation years, and the result is opposite under the physical crust coverage. (4) the continuous observation of natural rainfall in 28.4mm shows that with the year of sand fixation The depth of rainfall infiltration is at the beginning of 1970s1980s1990s21st in the initial 1960s of 1960s, and the infiltration depth decreases with the increase of the growth years of the crust when the rainfall is strong, and the infiltration depth is increased with the increase of the growth years of the crust under heavy rain and heavy rainfall; the hindrance effect of the crust infiltration in each age is 60. In 80s 70s, the hindrance was weakened with the increase of rainfall. (5) the effects of the crust on soil water redistribution were phased. The soil moisture redistribution in the 0-10cm and 10-20cm layers increased with the increase of sand fixing years. The water difference between the 0-10cm and 10-20cm layers in the infiltration and evaporation stage was in the stage of infiltration and evaporation. The soil moisture in the biological crust decreased with the increase of sand fixation years, and the soil moisture in physical crust increased with the increase of sand fixing years. The soil moisture in the 10-20cm layer was higher than that of the 0-10cm layer at the stage of evaporation, and the water content of the soil was still decreasing at the two sides in the period of 80s. (6) the difference between the soil moisture content of the soil crust soil and the 0-10cm layer decreased. (6) the difference between the soil moisture content and the soil moisture content of the two layers was decreased. There is a great difference in the effect of the type of crust on evaporation. After.28.4mm rainfall, the physical crust has a single promotion effect on evaporation, and the biological crusts show the first inhibition and then promote the evaporation. The time gradient of the soil crust evaporation is only shown on the cumulative evaporation, which increases with the increase of the fixed period of sand fixation. The growth process tends to slow down, but the age gradient of the cumulative evaporation becomes larger and the overall performance is the physical crust of the biological crustal flow sand. (7) the height of the plant, the ground diameter and the crown width in each age increase with the increase of sand fixing years, and the length of the new shoots decreases with the increase of sand fixing years. The density and coverage of the Haloxylon ammodendron have all dropped sharply in 80s. The diversity of herbaceous diversity was the highest, among which the number of unit area, the coverage of vegetation, and the diversity index were the vegetation of semi fixed sandy land (80s, 90s, 10s) in fixed sandy land vegetation (80s, 90s, 10s), and the appearance of soil water conditions again confirmed the appearance of soil water conditions by the appearance of thrush, pines, and red sand. Change.
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