本文选题:牛粪 + 麦秸秆 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous expansion of animal husbandry in China, biogas engineering has provided a huge space for development. The use of livestock manure to produce biogas can not only solve the environmental pollution caused by livestock manure, but also realize the reuse of livestock manure resources. In the actual biogas engineering, the main raw material for fermentation is single animal manure. In this kind of animal excrement, it is easy to degrade substances and its nutrition is not high, which leads to the low production of anaerobic fermentation gas. In order to solve this problem, mixed fermentation of straw crops with high carbon content was added to livestock feces to increase gas production, and to provide a way for the reduction and utilization of straw. In this experiment, cattle dung and wheat straw were used as raw materials to study single cow dung under different solid content. The effects of mixed anaerobic fermentation of cow dung and wheat straw at 2:1 dry mass and mixed anaerobic fermentation of cow dung and pretreated wheat straw at 2:1 on gas production rate, gas yield, Ch _ 4 content and PH were obtained. The optimum anaerobic fermentation conditions were obtained. The results showed that the gas production capacity of mixed anaerobic fermentation of cow dung and wheat straw or pretreated wheat straw was much better than that of single cow manure anaerobic fermentation. TS = 7.36. The gas production of mixed anaerobic fermentation was 1.63 ~ 1.71 times that of single cow dung anaerobic fermentation, and the gas production of mixed anaerobic fermentation was 1.63 ~ 1.71 times than that of single cow manure anaerobic fermentation. The gas production of mixed anaerobic fermentation was 2.01g 2.14 times than that of single cow dung fermentation. The mixture of wheat straw and cow dung could accelerate the degradation of organic matter and the production of biogas. It is advantageous to shorten the gas production cycle. 3) to increase the TSs of fermented raw materials, but the utilization level of raw materials is decreased. In this comparative experiment, The volume of fermentation material was the same: the gas production of single cow manure anaerobic fermentation was 16% higher than that of TS = 7.36, the gas production rate of raw material decreased 26%, the gas production of cattle dung and wheat straw mixed fermentation was 4444% higher than that of TS = 7.36, and the gas production rate of cow dung decreased 8.2%. In mixed fermentation with pretreated wheat straw, the gas production at 10% TS = 10 is 45% higher than that when TS = 7.36, and the gas production rate of raw material decreases by 8.4%, which indicates that biogas fermentation is carried out in practice. According to the actual situation, we should select the best TS.4) and compare the range of PH in each group. The results showed that the pH value of single cow manure anaerobic fermentation was the least, and the mixed anaerobic fermentation of cow dung and wheat straw was the second. After a series of complex biological and chemical reactions, only 24% of C was converted to biogas, and when TS = 7.36%, only 24% of C was converted into biogas. 56.81% of them were converted to Ch _ 4, 54.07% of them were transferred to Ch _ 4, and some of the remaining C elements were used by microbes, and some of them were deposited in the bottom of fermentor with the stop of reaction. 6) in practical engineering applications, to obtain the maximum average daily gas production, The fermentation tank should be completely restocked each time and the interval of reloading time: single cow dung mixed with wheat straw and mixed fermentation of cow dung and pretreated wheat straw were controlled in the range of 189 days respectively.
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