本文选题:细叶云南松 + 凋落物 ; 参考:《广西大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:凋落物是森林植物与土壤养分循环、物质交换的载体,与土壤的理化性质、土壤肥力、土壤微生物活动等都密切相关,故森林凋落物是森林生态学、森林土壤学和生物地球化学等学科重点研究内容之一。细叶云南松是西南地区先锋树种,但前人对细叶云南松的研究主要集中在地理分布、生长规律、遗传多样性、种群空间分布格局等。而对细叶云南松凋落物的研究目前仍为空白,本文通过对细叶云南松天然混交林凋落物量和养分进行动态研究,揭示凋落物量、成分组成和季节动态以及凋落物养分与土壤养分的关系,为深入了解细叶云南松天然混交林生态系统的结构和功能提供科学依据。主要研究结果如下:1、细叶云南松天然混交林年凋落物量在12462.90~14273.49kg/hm2,凋落物以针叶为主份量,为4047.17~7353.23kg/hm2,占总凋落物量的30%以上,阔叶年凋落量为2205.56~3815.84kg/hm2,占总凋落物量的15%以上,全部凋落叶占总凋落物量的60%以上。2、细叶云南松凋落物现存量半分解层和未分解层凋落量相近,含水率表现出半分解层大于其它未分解层的现象。3个大样地未分解层凋落物现存量含水量分别为62.67%、34.68%、63.15%,半分解层分别为63.54%、52.07%、66.57%。3、细叶云南松凋落物量月动态变化趋势为双峰型,峰值分别是4月、11月,9月时为最低值。针叶凋落物变化趋势呈多峰型,峰值分别是4月、8月、11月。阔叶和杂物凋落量均呈双峰型,阔叶凋落量峰值出现在4月、11月或1月,杂物凋落量峰值出现在4月、10月~11月。树枝凋落量变化趋势没有统一的规律性。4、细叶云南松凋落物粗灰分含量较高,大小顺序为阔叶针叶树枝杂物;半分解层未分解层。其中3个大样地凋落物各组份粗灰分含量针叶分别为 3.49%、3.52%、6.77%;阔叶分别为 4.32%、5.25%、8.21%;树枝分别为 2.98%、4.16%、5.80%;杂物分别为 1.99%、4.17%、3.98%;未分解层分别为 10.52%、10.07%、13.76%;半分解层分别为 49.17%、35.19%、36.48%。5、对细叶云南松凋落物进行养分浓度测定和比较,样地各组份含量大小顺序一致,从大到小顺序为NKCaPFeMgCu。3个样地不同组份浓度差异较大,N浓度在4.72~15.01g/kg,P浓度在0.40~0.69g/kg之间,Ca浓度范围为0.35~4.82g/kg之间,Fe浓度范围为81.23~281.44mg/kg之间,Mg浓度在20.31~94.00mg/kg之间,Cu的浓度在6.91~37.05mg/kg之间,K的浓度范围为0.98~5.56g/kg。6、3个样地凋落物各组份Fe、Cu、Ca年归还量均具有的统一的规律。Fe归还量大小表现为1号样地2号样地3号样地;Cu归还量大小表现为3号样地2号样地1号样地;Ca归还量大小表现为3号样地1号样地2号样地。其它元素各组份年归还量3个样地没有统一的规律性。7、凋落物量及各组份各元素归还量与土壤养分具有相关性,研究结果表明:土壤有机质与树枝的N、P、Cu归还量和针叶的K、Fe归还量和阔叶Cu归还量以及杂物Cu归还量;土壤全氮和树枝N,针叶K、Mg、Fe,阔叶Cu,杂物Cu;土壤全磷与针叶K、Mg,树枝K,杂物Cu;土壤全钾与针叶N、Mg;土壤速效钾与针叶N、树枝K之间都呈现出极显著相关。
[Abstract]:Litter is the carrier of nutrient circulation of forest plants and soil, the carrier of material exchange, and the physical and chemical properties of soil, soil fertility and soil microbial activity. Therefore, the forest litter is one of the key studies in forest ecology, forest soil science and biogeochemistry. Yunnan pine is a pioneer species in Southwest China. The previous studies on Yunnan pine were mainly concentrated on geographical distribution, growth law, genetic diversity, and the spatial distribution pattern of the population, while the study on the litter of fine leaves of Yunnan pine was still blank. The litter volume, composition and season were revealed by the dynamic study of the litter size and nutrient intake of the fine leaves of the fine leaves of Yunnan pine. The relationship between litter dynamics and litter nutrients and soil nutrients provides a scientific basis for understanding the structure and function of the natural mixed forest ecosystem of Yunnan pine. The main results are as follows: 1, the annual litter amount of the natural mixed forest of fine leaves of Yunnan pine is 12462.90 to 14273.49kg/hm2, and the litter is mainly from conifers, from 4047.17 to 7353.. 23kg/hm2, which accounts for more than 30% of the total litter volume, is 2205.56 ~ 3815.84kg/hm2, accounting for more than 15% of the total litter volume, and all litter leaves account for more than 60% of the total litter volume. The semi decomposed and undecomposed layer litter of Yunnan pine litter is similar, and the water content shows that the half decomposition layer is larger than the other undecomposed layers. The existing amount of water content in the.3 large undecomposed layer litter is 62.67%, 34.68%, 63.15%, and the semi decomposition layer is 63.54%, 52.07%, and 66.57%.3, respectively. The monthly dynamic trend of Yunnan pine litter is Shuangfeng type. The peak value is in April, November, and September. The variation trend of coniferous litter is multi peak, and the peak is April, respectively. In August, November. The deciduous and sundries were all in Shuangfeng type. The peak of broad leaf litter peak appeared in April, November or January. The peak of litter fall appeared in April and October to April. The variation trend of the litter fall did not have the uniform regularity.4, the coarse ash content in the fine leaf litter of Yunnan was higher, the size sequence was the broadleaf coniferous branch sundries; semi decomposition. There were 3.49%, 3.52%, 6.77%, and 4.32%, 5.25%, 8.21%, respectively, 2.98%, 4.16%, 5.80% of the broad-leaved leaves, respectively, and the branches were 1.99%, 4.17%, 3.98%, respectively, and the undecomposed layers were separately, 36.48%.5, 36.48%.5, and fine. The nutrient concentration of Ye Cloud Nan Song litter was measured and compared. The order of the samples was in the same order. From large to small, the concentrations of different components in NKCaPFeMgCu.3 samples were different, the concentration of N was 4.72 to 15.01g/kg, the concentration of P was from 0.40 to 0.69g/kg, the range of Ca concentration was from 0.35 to 4.82g/kg, and the range of Fe concentration was 81.23 to 281.44m. Between 20.31 and 94.00mg/kg, the concentration of Mg is between 20.31 and 94.00mg/kg, and the concentration of Cu is between 6.91 and 37.05mg/kg. The concentration range of K is 0.98 ~ 5.56g/kg.6,3 sample litter Fe, Cu and Ca year returns all have the same regular.Fe return amount as No. 3, sample No. 2, number 1, and the Cu return amount is 2 sample sample number 3. The amount of Ca return is 1, and the return amount of the number is No. 2 in sample number 3. The annual return of other elements in 3 samples has no uniform regular.7. The amount of litter and the return of each element are related to the soil nutrients. The results show that the N, P, Cu return and Fe return of the soil organic matter and the branches of the branches and the K and Fe of the conifers are returned. The amount and broadleaf Cu return and the amount of Cu return of the sundries; soil total nitrogen and branches N, conifers K, Mg, Fe, broadleaf Cu, sundries Cu, soil total phosphorus and coniferous K, Mg, branch K, sundries Cu, soil available potassium and needles.
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