[Abstract]:The vertical distribution of soil water content (pH), total salt content, organic matter content, total N, available N, total P and available P in Reed wetland in Yinchuan Plain were studied. The results showed that in 0~50cm soil layer, soil water content, soil total salt, organic matter content, soil total N and alkali-hydrolyzed N content were similar, from surface to deep layer, the overall performance was from high to low, and decreased sharply in 0~40cm. The correlation between available P and other elements is not significant and the correlation between available P and other elements is not significant. The correlation analysis shows that the correlation between available P and other elements is different from that of other elements, and the correlation analysis shows that the correlation between available P and other elements is different from that of other elements. Soil water content, organic matter, total N and alkali-hydrolyzed N in different soil layers were positively correlated with each other. The results showed that there was a similar spatial distribution law and the pH law was not obvious and had a significant negative correlation with all other biotic elements (except available P). In the alkaline soil environment with high pH value, the utilization of other biogenic elements of plants would be inhibited. Organic matter was positively correlated with total N, alkali-hydrolyzed N and total P. The organic matter N and P in Reed wetland soil in Yinchuan Plain were mainly derived from the degradation and release of endogenous sediments, litter and animal and plant residues. It also shows that wetland has powerful functions of "source" and "sink".
【作者单位】: 湖北医药学院基础医学院;宁夏大学西北退化生态系统恢复与重建教育部重点实验室;
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