发布时间:2018-08-17 19:12
【摘要】:严重的农业面源污染导致农村生态环境恶化,制约农业可持续发展,是我国现代农业发展的瓶颈,农业面源污染治理对保护现有农业资源,建设美好人居环境,提升农产品质量具有重要意义。2014年起,在世界银行贷款广东农业面源污染治理项目支持下,江门、惠州市开展农业面源污染治理试点工作,在水稻生产上采取系列综合治理措施,力争经过5年的系统治理,实现“农药减量、控害、保产、保环境”的目标。本研究通过问卷、访谈、现场调查、抽样检测等方式,按照世界银行项目PMP监测指标要求,对参加项目的江门市台山、恩平、开平,惠州市博罗、惠阳、惠城共6个县(市、区)12个镇92个村水稻种植区农户、农资企业、政府部门等进行系统调查,评价项目实施两年来对保护农业环境、提高农产品质量、提升农民环保意识等综合效果,旨在为中期评价项目实施效果、改进调整治理方案等提供决策参考。主要研究结果如下。1、接受有效调查农民1837户,在水稻生产中使用无人使用杀虫灯、诱虫板和天敌产品,用高效低毒农药的农户达100%,使用生物农药的农户达到74.52%,使用抗性品种的农户达92.54%。大部分农户认识青蛙,但对于捕食螨、食蚜蝇、寄生蜂、白(绿)僵菌的认识程度较低。从农药使用来看,受调查农户平均在水稻上用药4.89次/造,比常规用药习惯减少1-2次,在各项目区均未发现使用I类药剂或未登记农药的案例。按照药剂推荐使用方法进行施药的农户为100%,施药时有防护措施的农户很少。关于购买农药后储存方式,绝大多数农户根据所耕地面积购买,以现买现用居多,若出现未用完现象则在家里有固定点安全存放,避免小孩老人或家禽宠物接触到的农户为96.19%。调查农户农药废弃物回收率不高,交回农资店回收、回收放垃圾堆、未回收大约各占1/3。2、从项目实施地区的病虫害以及天敌数量调查结果发现,各地水稻主要病害为水稻纹枯病、稻瘟病、稻曲病、细菌性条斑病,主要虫害为稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟、钻蛀性螟虫、跗线螨,水稻主要天敌为蜘蛛、黑肩绿盲蝽、食蚜蝇。3、按照世界银行项目办提供的监测对象,对项目区稻谷进行抽样检测农药残留。用固相萃取法对糙米进行前处理提取净化,结合气相色谱(GC)检测敌敌畏、乙酰甲胺磷、氧化乐果、杀虫双、三唑磷,通过高效液相色谱法(HPLC)对三环唑进行检测。实验结果表明前处理方法可适用于一次性检测6种农药,且此6种农药的添加回收率在76%~130%之间,敌敌畏等五种农药在气相色谱上的最低检出量为0.1 ng~5ng,三环唑在高效液相色谱的最低检出量为10 ng。检测结果发现有部分地区农药可检出但未有农药检出超标,说明项目实施区抽检稻谷农药残留检测均达标。4、建立了层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process),通过确定各评价指标体系权重及一致性检验建立农药面源污染治理效果评价等级。利用所建立的指标计算,可知江门市台山海宴镇、江门市恩平恩城镇、江门市恩平牛江镇治理效果非常好,江门市台山都斛镇、江门市开平苍城镇、江门市开平马冈镇、惠州市博罗杨村镇、惠州市惠城区横沥镇、惠州市惠城区汝湖镇、惠州市惠阳区平潭镇、惠州市惠阳区良井镇治理效果良好,惠州市博罗县福田镇农药面源污染治理效果一般。
[Abstract]:Serious agricultural non-point source pollution leads to the deterioration of rural ecological environment and restricts the sustainable development of agriculture, which is the bottleneck of the development of modern agriculture in China. The control of agricultural non-point source pollution is of great significance to the protection of existing agricultural resources, the construction of a better living environment and the improvement of agricultural product quality. With the support of the project, Jiangmen and Huizhou have carried out the pilot project of agricultural non-point source pollution control, and adopted a series of comprehensive control measures in rice production, striving to achieve the goal of "pesticide reduction, pesticide control, production and environmental protection" after five years of systematic treatment. The PMP monitoring indicators of the project require that the farmers, agricultural enterprises and government departments in 92 villages of rice planting areas in 6 counties (cities, districts) and 12 towns of Jiangmen City, Taishan, Enping, Kaiping, Boluo, Huiyang, Huicheng City, should be systematically investigated and evaluated to protect the agricultural environment, improve the quality of agricultural products and enhance the environmental protection of farmers in the past two years. The main results are as follows: 1. 1837 households were surveyed effectively. No pesticide lamp, trap board and natural enemy products were used in rice production. 100% of the households used high-efficiency and low-toxic pesticides, and biopesticides were used. Most of the farmers knew frogs, but they had little knowledge of mites, aphid flies, parasitic bees, and white (green) fungi. From the point of view of pesticide use, the average number of medicines used in rice was 4.89 times per plant, which was 1-2 times less than that of conventional medication, and no use was found in all project areas. Class I pesticides or unregistered pesticides. 100% of the households applied pesticides according to the recommended use of pesticides and very few farmers with protective measures when applying pesticides. The rate of pesticide waste recovery was not high, and about 1/3.2 of the households returned to agricultural stores and dumped garbage. The main diseases of rice were rice sheath blight, rice blast and rice according to the survey of pests and natural enemies in the project area. The main insect pests are rice planthopper, rice leaf roller, borer, tarsal mite, rice natural enemies are spider, black shoulder green bug, aphid fly. 3. According to the monitoring objects provided by the World Bank project office, the pesticide residues in the rice of the project area are sampled and detected. Tricyclazole was detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that the pretreatment method was suitable for the detection of Six Pesticides at one time, and the recoveries of the Six Pesticides ranged from 76% to 130%, and the five pesticides such as dichlorvos were between 76% and 130%. The lowest detectable amount on gas chromatography is 0.1 ng~5 ng, and the lowest detectable amount of Tricyclazole in high performance liquid chromatography is 10 ng. The results show that some pesticides can be detected in some areas, but no pesticide detection exceeded the standard. 4. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is established. Through determining the weights of each evaluation index system and consistency test, the evaluation grade of pesticide non-point source pollution control effect is established. By using the index calculation, we can know that the control effect of Taishan Haiyan Town in Jiangmen City, Enping En Town in Jiangmen City, Enping Niujiang Town in Jiangmen City is very good, Taishan Dudeng Town in Jiangmen City, Kaiping Cang Town in Jiangmen City and Kaimen City in Jiangmen City. Pingmagang Town, Boluoyang Town, Huizhou City, Hengli Town, Huizhou City, Ruhu Town, Huizhou City, Pingtan Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Liangjing Town, Huizhou City, Huizhou City, Boluo County, Futian Town, pesticide non-point source pollution control effect is generally.
[Abstract]:Serious agricultural non-point source pollution leads to the deterioration of rural ecological environment and restricts the sustainable development of agriculture, which is the bottleneck of the development of modern agriculture in China. The control of agricultural non-point source pollution is of great significance to the protection of existing agricultural resources, the construction of a better living environment and the improvement of agricultural product quality. With the support of the project, Jiangmen and Huizhou have carried out the pilot project of agricultural non-point source pollution control, and adopted a series of comprehensive control measures in rice production, striving to achieve the goal of "pesticide reduction, pesticide control, production and environmental protection" after five years of systematic treatment. The PMP monitoring indicators of the project require that the farmers, agricultural enterprises and government departments in 92 villages of rice planting areas in 6 counties (cities, districts) and 12 towns of Jiangmen City, Taishan, Enping, Kaiping, Boluo, Huiyang, Huicheng City, should be systematically investigated and evaluated to protect the agricultural environment, improve the quality of agricultural products and enhance the environmental protection of farmers in the past two years. The main results are as follows: 1. 1837 households were surveyed effectively. No pesticide lamp, trap board and natural enemy products were used in rice production. 100% of the households used high-efficiency and low-toxic pesticides, and biopesticides were used. Most of the farmers knew frogs, but they had little knowledge of mites, aphid flies, parasitic bees, and white (green) fungi. From the point of view of pesticide use, the average number of medicines used in rice was 4.89 times per plant, which was 1-2 times less than that of conventional medication, and no use was found in all project areas. Class I pesticides or unregistered pesticides. 100% of the households applied pesticides according to the recommended use of pesticides and very few farmers with protective measures when applying pesticides. The rate of pesticide waste recovery was not high, and about 1/3.2 of the households returned to agricultural stores and dumped garbage. The main diseases of rice were rice sheath blight, rice blast and rice according to the survey of pests and natural enemies in the project area. The main insect pests are rice planthopper, rice leaf roller, borer, tarsal mite, rice natural enemies are spider, black shoulder green bug, aphid fly. 3. According to the monitoring objects provided by the World Bank project office, the pesticide residues in the rice of the project area are sampled and detected. Tricyclazole was detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that the pretreatment method was suitable for the detection of Six Pesticides at one time, and the recoveries of the Six Pesticides ranged from 76% to 130%, and the five pesticides such as dichlorvos were between 76% and 130%. The lowest detectable amount on gas chromatography is 0.1 ng~5 ng, and the lowest detectable amount of Tricyclazole in high performance liquid chromatography is 10 ng. The results show that some pesticides can be detected in some areas, but no pesticide detection exceeded the standard. 4. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is established. Through determining the weights of each evaluation index system and consistency test, the evaluation grade of pesticide non-point source pollution control effect is established. By using the index calculation, we can know that the control effect of Taishan Haiyan Town in Jiangmen City, Enping En Town in Jiangmen City, Enping Niujiang Town in Jiangmen City is very good, Taishan Dudeng Town in Jiangmen City, Kaiping Cang Town in Jiangmen City and Kaimen City in Jiangmen City. Pingmagang Town, Boluoyang Town, Huizhou City, Hengli Town, Huizhou City, Ruhu Town, Huizhou City, Pingtan Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Liangjing Town, Huizhou City, Huizhou City, Boluo County, Futian Town, pesticide non-point source pollution control effect is generally.