[Abstract]:Saline-alkali land in Datong Basin of Shanxi Province is an important reserve strategic land resource in our province. It is of great practical significance to solve the shortage of land resources and grain problem in our country and our province. There are more than 3 million mu of saline-alkali soil resources in Datong Basin. The salinization of soil and the scarcity of water resources are one of the important reasons that lead to the unsatisfactory development of local economy and hinder the increase of farmers' income. The drop in the price of drip irrigation facilities and the scarcity of regional water resources make drip irrigation one of the most rapidly developing water-saving irrigation measures in recent years. As a result, drip irrigation has moved from facility agriculture, which was originally used in large greenhouse basins, to research on field food crops and improving the environment of saline-alkali soil cultivation. In this paper, the soil water and salt regulation of drip irrigation was studied on the heavy saline-alkali wasteland of Houzhangbao Village, Shanyin County, Datong Basin, Shanxi Province, and two kinds of forage grasses, sweet clover and alfalfa, were cultivated under the cultivation of flat cropping and ridge tillage. The percentage of evaporation measured in pan was used to control the irrigation amount of drip irrigation. The water and salt migration of sweet clover and first alfalfa soil and plant height of alfalfa and sweet clover were studied under different planting methods and different drip irrigation rates. Relationship between yield and water use efficiency and correlation between conductivity and pH value of saturated mud and different soil-water ratio were studied. The main results are as follows: (1) there is a significant correlation between the conductivity of saturated mud soil in Datong Basin and the conductivity of soil extract at 1:5 of soil-water ratio and 1:1 of soil-water ratio. The linear function model E Ce = 8.2457ECC1: 5-0.2669 R ~ 2 = 0.9461 and ECe = 2.1937EC1: 1: 1: 0.0023 ~ R2N ~ (9639) can be used to fit and convert the quadratic function relation of water ratio on soil to 1:5 and pH value of saturated mud to pHe=0.7489pH1:52-12.919pH15 63.646R _ 2N _ (0.8712). The relation between pH value of soil and water ratio of 1:1 and saturated mud is obtained. The quadratic function relation is pH=0.4464pH1:12-7.32pH1:1 37.965n R2 = 0.90766.The relationship between PHe and pH=0.4464pH1:12-7.32pH1:1 by using the negative logarithm method of hydrogen ion is: pHe1g (0.2448 脳 10pH1:1 107) R2 0.9621; the relationship between pH and pHe with the ratio of soil to water is 1:5; the relationship between pH and pHe is:% pHe1g (0.2353 脳 10pH1:5-108) R2 0.8559m3) in saline soil or in saline soil. In alkaline soils, To test electrical conductivity and pH value, it is recommended that saturated mud extraction solution be used to reduce the error caused by weak electrolyte CO32- and HCO3- conversion, but if there is no condition to prepare saturated mud extract solution or time is short, It was suggested that the soil-water ratio of 1:1 should be used in the extraction solution 4) by comparing the effects of different planting methods on the leaching of soil salt, it was found that the effect of ridge cropping on leaching salt was better than that of flat cropping, but the difference in yield was not obvious. Therefore, it is suggested that ridge planting can be adopted in heavy saline-alkali soil areas. Irrigation at seedling emergence stage can do salt leaching better than horizontal cropping, but salt tolerance of crops at seedling stage is the weakest. The results showed that in the range of infiltration water, 50% of evaporation every 3 days had the best effect on soil leaching, and the yield of first alfalfa and sweet clover were the highest. The highest water use efficiency (Wue) was 30% in ridge cropping and 50% in flat cropping.) under the same irrigation amount, the plant height and yield of sweet clover were significantly higher than that of alfalfa.
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