[Abstract]:The rapid development of intensive and large-scale aquaculture has brought serious environmental problems. Animal and poultry breeding pollution has become one of the main non-point sources of agricultural pollution in China. Experiment 1 studied the evaporation efficiency of water in composting model. One of the 1 m3 bedding pools was selected to add and mix the bedding material, bacteria and fecal water. The C/N ratio was controlled at about 30. The composting experiment was carried out at about 65% and started 24 hours after the temperature was above 55 C. The moisture content was measured and the evaporation efficiency was calculated on the first, third, sixth, ninth and twelfth days of the experiment. The results showed that the evaporation efficiency of water under the composting mode was 8.1 kg/d m3. The water evaporation efficiency of the fermentation heap was determined by three 2 m * 1.2 m * 0.8 m initial fermentation bedding ponds with a total of 1.92 m 3. The results show that the 16.8 kg/d fecal water treatment group has the longest temperature duration at high temperature, which can maintain 70 days, and the evaporation efficiency of water is 5.4 kg/d.m3; the fecal water addition group is 8.5 kg/d, which can maintain 42 days at high temperature, and the evaporation efficiency of water is 5 kg/d.m3; the fecal water addition group is 25.2 kg/d, and the water content is 5.4 kg/d.m3. The content of water increased fastest in the late fermentation stage, and reached 70%. The average temperature of the pile was below 16.8 kg/d for 40 days in the high temperature stage. At the same time, leachate appeared in the late fermentation stage, which exceeded the maximum treatment capacity of the pile. The water evaporation efficiency was 7.8 kg/d.m3. 4 kg / d. m3. The temperature of the substrate increased obviously, but the maintenance time was short. Experiment 3 studied the change rule of the substrate in the aerobic fermentation model. After the sample was collected at the end of the experiment, the bacterial strains were added to the bedding, and the samples were taken on the 70th, 77th and 84th days after the bedding. The results showed that the C content decreased significantly (P 0.01), the N content increased significantly (P 0.01), and the C/N content decreased significantly (P 0.01). According to the change of the basic parameters of the mat, it can be inferred that the utilization time of the aerobic fermentation mat is about three months, and the high temperature fermentation can effectively inhibit the activity of E. coli. After supplementing the mat, the decrease of C/N can be delayed and the fermentation in the heap can be prolonged. Experiment 4. Study on the application effect of aerobic fermentation with bedding material in the production of high-concentration cultured manure. Take the actual production and application of bedding material as the research object, with rice husk and sawdust as bedding material, the manure water is added regularly and dumped regularly. The results showed that the temperature in the initial fermentation stage increased rapidly, reaching 70 C in 3 days, and the highest temperature at 30 cm and 60 cm could exceed 72 C. With the continuous addition of manure water, the high temperature maintenance ability of the mat began to decline, the temperature of the mat decreased, and the moisture content continued to increase. The moisture content of the mat reached 70% and the pH decreased from 8.8 to 6. 75, C content decreased from 42% to 40%, N content increased from 0.47% to 0.74%, C/N from 90 to 56. The basic parameters of the mat showed that the mat could keep fermentation under proper management and control the amount of fecal water added. The mat could be used to treat the fecal water continuously and effectively to achieve the purpose of harmless and resource-based treatment. Under the current experimental conditions, when the amount of manure added is 8.7 kg/d.m3, the treatment efficiency is the best, and the water evaporation efficiency is 5.4 kg/d.m3.
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