发布时间:2018-08-27 16:30
【摘要】:为全面了解新疆阿克苏地区枣园土壤肥力状况及科学评价土壤环境质量,以阿克苏市及其周边骏枣园为研究区域,取样分析了84个枣园土壤速效氮磷钾及微量元素含量,并通过主成分分析法将所取样样地划分为高、中、低肥力组。结果显示:研究区枣园土壤有机质含量在3.19~28.9 g/kg,土壤碱解氮含量在1.87~250 mg/kg,96%的土壤样本有机质含量、碱解氮含量都处于缺乏、很缺或者急缺状态;土壤速效磷含量在3.0~258.5 mg/kg,土壤样本速效磷含量在20 mg/kg以上的占48.8%,从整体来说阿克苏地区骏枣园土壤速效磷含量较为充足;速效钾含量在0.09~0.56 g/kg,土壤样品速效钾含量大于150 mg/kg的占97.6%,速效钾含量处于极为丰富水平。主成分分析显示,所有取样的84个骏枣园中,高肥力果园占7.1%,中肥力果园占36.9%,低肥力果园占56.0%,所占比重较大,因此,需不断加强枣园土壤养分管理水平,根据枣树生长需肥规律科学施肥,提高肥料利用率,避免果园施肥造成的面源污染和土壤环境质量恶化。
[Abstract]:In order to understand soil fertility of jujube orchard in Aksu area of Xinjiang and evaluate soil environmental quality scientifically, the contents of available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements in 84 jujube orchards were sampled and analyzed in Aksu city and its surrounding jujube orchard. The samples were divided into high, middle and low fertility groups by principal component analysis. The results showed that the content of organic matter in soil of jujube orchard was 3.19 ~ 28.9 g 路kg ~ (-1), and the content of soil organic matter and alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen in soil samples with soil alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen content of 1.87 ~ 250 mg/kg,96% were in the state of deficiency, deficiency or urgency. The content of available phosphorus in soil samples was more than 20 mg/kg when the content of available phosphorus in soil was mg/kg, and the content of available phosphorus in soil of Junjube Orchard in Aksu area was relatively sufficient. The available potassium content was 0.09 ~ 0.56 g / kg, and the available potassium content of soil samples was more than 150 mg/kg. The available potassium content was very rich. Principal component analysis showed that high fertility orchard accounted for 7.1, medium fertility orchard 36.9 and low fertility orchard 56.0, which accounted for a large proportion. Therefore, the soil nutrient management level of jujube orchard should be continuously strengthened. According to the growth rule of jujube, scientific fertilization is needed to improve fertilizer utilization rate and avoid non-point pollution caused by fertilization in orchard and deterioration of soil environmental quality.
【作者单位】: 新疆农业大学林学与园艺学院;新疆林业科学院;
【基金】:新疆自治区科技攻关重大专项(201130102-2) 新疆特色林果资源管理及测土配肥技术平台建设
[Abstract]:In order to understand soil fertility of jujube orchard in Aksu area of Xinjiang and evaluate soil environmental quality scientifically, the contents of available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements in 84 jujube orchards were sampled and analyzed in Aksu city and its surrounding jujube orchard. The samples were divided into high, middle and low fertility groups by principal component analysis. The results showed that the content of organic matter in soil of jujube orchard was 3.19 ~ 28.9 g 路kg ~ (-1), and the content of soil organic matter and alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen in soil samples with soil alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen content of 1.87 ~ 250 mg/kg,96% were in the state of deficiency, deficiency or urgency. The content of available phosphorus in soil samples was more than 20 mg/kg when the content of available phosphorus in soil was mg/kg, and the content of available phosphorus in soil of Junjube Orchard in Aksu area was relatively sufficient. The available potassium content was 0.09 ~ 0.56 g / kg, and the available potassium content of soil samples was more than 150 mg/kg. The available potassium content was very rich. Principal component analysis showed that high fertility orchard accounted for 7.1, medium fertility orchard 36.9 and low fertility orchard 56.0, which accounted for a large proportion. Therefore, the soil nutrient management level of jujube orchard should be continuously strengthened. According to the growth rule of jujube, scientific fertilization is needed to improve fertilizer utilization rate and avoid non-point pollution caused by fertilization in orchard and deterioration of soil environmental quality.
【作者单位】: 新疆农业大学林学与园艺学院;新疆林业科学院;
【基金】:新疆自治区科技攻关重大专项(201130102-2) 新疆特色林果资源管理及测土配肥技术平台建设
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