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发布时间:2018-08-28 11:32
[Abstract]:Soil health and ecosystem function are important subjects in ecological research. Soil nematodes are indicators of ecosystem health, especially for the assessment of soil pollution and restoration. The important value of soil nematode and the energy channel of soil food net reflected by soil nematode were analyzed in Maoming Oil Shale waste site of Guangdong Province under different ecological restoration conditions. In order to reflect the soil nutrient and health status after planting different plant species for the same time, the energy flow in the soil food web of polluted land was studied. The results showed that after 8 years of planting different plant species in the waste yard, The numbers of soil nematode groups were 54 and 45, respectively. The most important values were (Prismatolaimus) and (Acrobeloides);, respectively, while the numbers of nematode groups in Herb and grassland were 41 and 38, respectively. The highest is the lowest number of (Eudorylaimus); waste nematodes, which are omnivorous. There are only 34, the most important of which are (Filenchus) and (Aphelenchoides)., which are edible fungi. The analysis of energy flow in food web showed that the highest proportion of bacterial energy flow channel was Acacia macrophylla and Umbeline, while the highest proportion of fungous energy flow channel was waste land, the red lotus forest and barren grassland were in the middle, and the proportion of plant energy flow channel was relatively small in all kinds of land. Between two and ten percent. In general, in vegetation-covered ecosystems, nutrient turnover is faster, especially in black ink and Acacia macrophylla, while in vegetation-free waste land, soil nutrient turnover rates tend to be slower fungal pathways. This suggests that the fungous passage food web may play a greater role in the condition of poor nutrient conditions. The study also shows that the input of plant resources not only stimulates the passage of plant energy, but also stimulates the energy flow of bacteria and fungi during the restoration of oil shale wasteland. Vegetation is the main driving force for the development of soil nematode community.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院华南植物园退化生态系统植被恢复与管理重点实验室;中国科学院大学;河南大学环境与规划学院黄河中下游数字地理技术实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(31470559,31210103920) 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(2015A030313783)


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