[Abstract]:In order to study the variation characteristics and succession law of the ecological indices of the vegetation community in artificial grassland and abandoned farmland during the process of natural closure and restoration, the alfalfa artificial grassland and abandoned farmland in Liudaogou watershed of Shenmu County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, located in the water erosion and wind erosion crisscross region of the Loess Plateau, were selected as the research objects. Methods The succession process of community vegetation in alfalfa artificial grassland and abandoned farmland was studied. On this basis, the soil water characteristics and aboveground biomass differences of different vegetation types were analyzed. It was suggested that the construction of composite vegetation could make more rational and effective use of limited water resources and shorten the vegetation restoration process. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the community characteristics of abandoned farmland and determine the plant height, coverage, density and species richness of the vegetation. Meanwhile, the canopy height, surface vegetation coverage, leaf area index and aboveground biomass of different vegetation types were measured. Species richness, soil water content, surface soil bulk density and saturated water conductivity were measured. The results showed that: (1) After 11 years of natural restoration succession, except for Margalef index, Gleason index, Shannon-Wiener index and evenness index had similar trends, that is, the results of 2014 survey. The community species richness, species diversity and evenness were significantly improved. There were 42 species of higher plants in the sample plot, including 6 genera, 7 species of Leguminosae, 2 species of Leguminosae, 9 species of Compositae, 2 species of Compositae, 8 genera, 9 species of Gramineae, 4 species of Leguminosae, Compositae and Gramineae. (2) According to the variation characteristics of dominant species and plant diversity in alfalfa artificial grassland which had been restored for 40 years, it was found that there was a trend of succession from the shady slopes with better water conditions to the secondary natural grassland with Artemisia sinensis-Elymus elongata, while the trend of succession in the sunny slopes was still long. (3) There are 38 species of higher plants belonging to 13 families and 34 genera in the sample plots of abandoned cultivated land in different years. Among them, 6 genera and 7 genera of Leguminosae, 10 genera of Compositae, 7 genera of Gramineae, and 7 genera of Gramineae are dominant plants in the natural restoration succession of abandoned cultivated land. Quantity and species richness index (Gleason index and Margalef index), species diversity index (Shannon-Wiener index) and evenness index were higher than those of abandoned farmland on sunny slopes. The main reason for the increase of community species richness was the increase of community species richness. (4) The forbidden cultivation of Alfalfa artificial grassland and abandoned farmland by natural abandonment. Under the two vegetation restoration modes, the Alfalfa Planted artificial grassland was earlier than the natural restoration succession of abandoned farmland. (5) In the Liudaogou watershed of the water erosion and wind erosion crisscross region of the Loess Plateau, the canopy height, surface vegetation coverage, leaf area index and aboveground biomass of the deep-rooted and shallow-rooted plants were significantly higher than those of the shallow-rooted plants. The main factors affecting the above-ground biomass differences between the composite vegetation and the single vegetation are the differences in water absorption and utilization between the composite vegetation roots and the single vegetation roots, as well as the water content of deep-rooted shrubs and shallow-rooted herbs at different depths. (6) In the process of vegetation restoration and construction, deep-rooted plants and shallow-rooted plants should be planted together to construct complex vegetation, which can make rational and effective use of limited water resources, increase aboveground biomass, canopy height and surface vegetation coverage of vegetation, accelerate the process of vegetation restoration and construction, and thus effectively control water erosion and wind erosion in this area. Use.
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