[Abstract]:[objective] to analyze the role of environmental and spatial factors in the construction of soil bacterial communities in cold coniferous forests. [methods] the Illumina high-throughput sequencing technique was used to analyze the four soils of (Lp), green gD forest (Pw) and (Pt) forest of Pinus tabulaeformis in Pangquanggou Nature Reserve of Guandi Mountain. The structure of bacterial communities (LpMC1,LpMC2,PwMC and PtMC), At the same time, the physical and chemical properties of soil and the activity of soil enzyme were determined, and the correlation between bacterial community structure and forest type and soil environmental factors was discussed. [results] 1) in the forest soil bacterial community of this region, Proteus, Bacteroides, Actinomycetes, and Actinomycetes were detected. RDA analysis of the relative abundance and soil environmental factors of microphylum verrucum, phylum flovulata, phylum acidobacterium, phylum, phylum verrucum, phylum chlamydia and phylum nitrocephala were used to analyze the relative abundance of dominant bacteria and soil environmental factors. Soil water content, C / N ratio, pH and soil enzyme activity are important factors affecting the structure of soil bacterial community. Among them, most of the phylum of Proteus and Bacteroides are more suitable for living in acidic soil with high humidity and good nutrition. The main carbon source is decomposable carbon, while actinomycetes, floats and phylum are alkaline and dry. The results of Alpha diversity analysis showed that the diversity of soil bacterial communities was different among the four plots, and the (PtMC) richness of bacterial communities was low in the soils of poor nutrient Pinus tabulaeformis forest. The diversity of bacterial community (LpMC1) was high and the diversity of bacterial community was low (4. 4) in the nutrient rich larch plots at high altitude. The results of Beta diversity analysis showed that the diversity of bacterial community in Larix gmelinii was higher than that in Larix gmelini. The soil bacterial communities (LpMC1 and LpMC2) of green gD forest and Pinus tabulaeformis forest (PwMC and PtMC),) were similar respectively. [conclusion] the soil bacterial communities (LpMC1 and LpMC2) were influenced by environmental selection and diffusion. There were significant differences in soil bacterial community structure and species diversity among different coniferous forests. According to this, we can change the soil environment and optimize the structure of soil bacterial community by making different measures to cultivate forests, improve soil carbon sink, promote the circulation of soil nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus, and improve soil fertility.
【作者单位】: 山西大学黄土高原研究所;山西大学生物技术研究所;山西财经大学环境经济学院;
【基金】:山西省应用基础研究面上基金项目(201601D102054) 国家自然科学青年科学基金项目(31600308) 山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目(2012-059)
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