[Abstract]:Bashang, Hebei Province, is located in the northwest of Hebei Province, with hundreds of lakes large and small. Due to natural factors and human activities, many lakes have dried up or are drying up. The phenomenon of wind erosion caused by these dried lakes interferes with the production and life of residents in the downwind direction, and also has an impact on the surrounding ecological environment. However, there are few researches on wind erosion in the dry lake basin of Bashang at present. Therefore, it is of great practical and theoretical significance to study the wind erosion characteristics of the dry lake basin in this area. In this paper, the dry Angulinao is taken as the research object, four kinds of typical land species are selected in the dry lake basin, and a series of work, such as selecting sample points, field observation, soil sample collection and laboratory experiments, is carried out to study the characteristics of soil wind erosion in dry lake basin. The main results are as follows: (1) the soil in the lake area is mainly silt (0.002 ~ 0. 05 mm), and the soil in the periphery of the lake is mainly silt (0. 002 ~ 0. 05 mm),) and fine sand (0. 10 ~ 0. 25 mm). The soil texture of the east side of the lake area is thinner than that of the west side. The soil moisture content decreased from the interior of the lake area to the periphery, but the water content of the edge of the lake bank was the highest. The salinization phenomenon of soil in the study area was obvious, the salt content and pH were higher in the east side than in the west side, and the salt content and pH in the east side were higher than those in the west side. The content of soil organic matter was generally low, but the content of soil organic matter in the east side was higher than that in the west side. (2) the change of surface roughness (Z0) was as follows: the transition area of the lake center in the shrub area of Suaeda region. (3) the content of coarse sand with the highest content of 0.002-0.05mm powder was the highest in the four typical landforms (0.5-1.0 mm). The soil hardness is as follows: the transition area of Suaeda salsa and the content of organic matter are: the shrub area in the lake center of Suaeda salsa region. The results of soil grain size, soil hardness and organic matter were consistent with those of the whole dry lake basin. (4) the soil surface water content of the four typical soils was the largest in the center of the lake, followed by Suaeda salsa, thickets and transitional areas. However, when the whole lake basin is sampled in a large area, the upper wind is easy to accumulate water on the edge of the lake shore, which leads to the difference of water content. The maximum water content of the dry lake basin is in Suaeda salsa area, followed by the lake center area and thicket area. (5) in the transition area, the sediment transport in the transition area is the largest, which is 1.22 times (1.36 times) and 1.52 times (1.52 times) that of Suaeda salsa, thicket and lake center respectively. The wind erosion in dry lake basin of Anguliao is not serious at present. As time goes on, a large number of fine particles are bound to be hidden danger of wind erosion.
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