[Abstract]:The soil and water conservation measures system composed of water and soil conservation forest land, horizontal terrace and terrace vegetation belt and the arrangement of sloping farmland without soil conservation measures were taken as the research objects, combining with the traditional statistical analysis and ArcGIS statistical analysis method. The variation characteristics of soil nutrients with time and space (vertical and horizontal) were studied. The results showed that: (1) the soil organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and available phosphorus contents decreased with the increase of soil depth, and the soil nutrient content of sloping farmland with soil and water conservation measures was higher than that with no soil conservation measures, at the same slope height, the content of soil organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and available phosphorus decreased with the increase of soil depth. And the soil nutrient distribution is relatively uniform in the vertical direction. (2) according to the effect of soil and water conservation measures on soil nutrient content in different depth, In soil and water conservation system, the content of soil organic matter for 15 cm and 1530 cm was in order as follows: horizontal terrace, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and available phosphorus in horizontal terrace. The soil organic matter, total nitrogen and available phosphorus content increased gradually in the untreated control area, but the distribution of the total phosphorus level were all in the middle slope position, the downhill position, the no measure area, the upper slope position, the no measure area. The contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and available phosphorus in different depth soil all increased first and then lost with the change of month, but the degree of change varied with different soil and water conservation measures. (3) the statistical analysis showed that the content of organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and available phosphorus increased with the change of month. The coefficient of variation of soil organic matter and total nitrogen at 15 cm in soil conservation area was higher than that in control area, but the coefficient of variation of total phosphorus and available phosphorus in soil was opposite, and that in control area was 1530 cm. The coefficient of variation of total phosphorus and available phosphorus was higher than that of soil and water conservation measures. Soil and water conservation measures were significantly positively correlated with soil nutrients at different depths. Soil total nitrogen and available phosphorus were positively correlated with soil total nitrogen and available phosphorus for 15 cm and 1530 cm respectively, while there was a very significant positive correlation between other indexes of 0 15 cm and 15 30 cm.
【作者单位】: 沈阳农业大学水利学院;桓仁满族自治县水土保持站;
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