[Abstract]:A 2-year field positioning experiment (2013-2014) was conducted to collect small and medium-sized soil animals by dry funnel method, and to explore different planting patterns (maize monoculture, maize soybean intercropping). Effects of soybean monoculture and nitrogen application (0150 kg hm-2) on soil fauna and community structure in red soil. The results showed that a total of 8349 soil small and medium-sized animals were collected for two years, belonging to 3 phyla, 10 classes and 29 orders. The dominant groups were acariidae and Eucalypidae. The average density of soil animals in maize jointing period was increased by planting and applying nitrogen during 2013. The number of soil fauna groups in 2014 was significantly higher than that in 2013. The average density of soil animals under nitrogen application was higher than that without nitrogen application. The results of two years multivariate ANOVA showed that the planting pattern and growth period had no significant effect on the average density, group number and diversity index of soil animals. But in 2014, nitrogen application significantly affected the number of soil fauna groups, Simpson index and density-group index. The interaction between planting pattern and maize growth period significantly affected the average density and group number of soil animals, as well as the density-group and richness index. The interaction between nitrogen application and growth stage significantly affected Simpson index, density-group index and Shannon index. The results showed that there was no significant difference in planting pattern and nitrogen application level between soil fauna communities in red soil, and the change of community composition was related to maize growth period. Under the condition of reasonable nitrogen application, the maize-soybean intercropping pattern can increase the average density and group number of small and medium-sized animals in red soil, and maintain better diversity.
【作者单位】: 江西农业大学生态科学研究中心;江西农业大学农学院;
【基金】:高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20133603120005) 国家自然科学基金项目(31360108)资助~~
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