[Abstract]:Zhongtiaoshan Copper Base is one of the seven largest copper bases in China. It is located in Qqu County of Shanxi Province. It is a non-coal underground mining mine, with copper reserves of more than 3 million tons, annual mining of 7 million tons, and mineral separation of 7.2 million tons. Mining activities cause environmental damage and soil heavy metal pollution. Heavy metals accumulate in animals and plants and human bodies through the food chain and affect human health. Plant colonization can absorb, transfer, and evaporate heavy metals in soil. The microorganism is the most important and active part of the soil ecological environment, which participates in the biochemical circulation of the earth, reduces the toxicity of heavy metals, improves the soil quality and promotes the healthy growth of plants. In barren and fragile ecological environment, microorganism can be used as sensitive index of soil recovery, microbial community structure and diversity dynamics, which can help to understand the ecological restoration status of soil in mining area. Based on the results of high-throughput sequencing of bacterial 16S rDNA V3 region and fungal ITS1 region, the microbial community structure of soil microbial community in three recovery time periods was analyzed. By denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), the temporal and spatial dynamics of soil bacterial community diversity in six restoration gradient dams were analyzed. The conclusions are as follows: 1) The heavy metals Cu, Pb, Cd and As in the dynamic characteristics of soil environmental factors in the dam face are not exceeding the standard, and Cr, Ni and Zn are out of the standard. Soil pH was significantly different with recovery time, recovered for 30 years, 15 years and 1 year, and was more than 45 years, 40 years and 5 years. In different seasons, soil pH was higher in April than July, September and November. The soil nutrient content changes obviously along the recovery time. Soil TC and TN decreased from 45 and 40 years to 30 and 15 years. The nutrients (TC and TN) in September and November were higher than July and April. TS was the highest in September and November. 2) Dynamic field investigation of plant community diversity in tailings dam analyzed the variation of plant community diversity. The plant growth index changed significantly with the recovery time, significantly higher in 45 and 40 years than in 30, 15, and 5 years. Pielou's index was not statistically significant. The change of soil quality (soil enzyme activity and soil respiration) in tailings dam was consistent with the variation trend of soil nutrient content. The activity of soil and sucrose was higher in September and November, and catalase activity was lowest in November. Soil respiration was the weakest in 45, 40, and 5 years, but was weakest in April and 15. Soil quality is mainly influenced by nutrient content, plant community diversity and microbial community structure. The contents of heavy metals (Mn and Pb, etc.) inhibit the recovery of soil, but have little effect on it. 4) The structural characteristics and influencing factors of microbial community of tailings dam adopt Illumina MiSeq platform to carry out high-flux sequencing on tailings dams 45, 15 and 1 year, and the soil bacteria advantage gate with different gradient of tailings dam has deformation bacteria door. Actinomyces and thick-walled bacteria doors, etc. The fungal dominant gate of the soil has a fungus gate, a joint fungus door, and a basidiomycetous door. The results of non-metric multi-dimensional measure (NMDS) and mel test show that soil physical and chemical properties, heavy metal content, plant community diversity and soil quality affect bacterial and fungal community structure changes, and soil bacteria interact with fungi. Among them, Sphingaradaceae has a certain tolerance to heavy metals, The pollution degree of heavy metals can be indicated. 5) The spatial and temporal dynamics of bacterial community diversity in tailings dam are analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and the diversity of bacterial community structures in 4 seasons is changed. The relationship between the Shannon index and the Richards index of the bacterial community in the tailings dam was significantly related to the soil restoration years, but the Simpson index and the Pielou index were not obvious with the recovery time. In the 45-year, 30-year and 15-year-like plots, the bacterial community diversity was significantly higher in July than in November. The results showed that the bacterial community diversity (Shannon index and Richness index) was mainly influenced by soil nutrient content (TC and TN). The results of structural equation model (SEM) indicate that the physical and chemical properties and soil quality in July, November and April are the main factors affecting the diversity of soil bacterial communities, but in September, the physical and chemical properties and plant diversity play a greater role in bacterial diversity.
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