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发布时间:2018-11-15 09:03
【摘要】:沿着由高到低的纬度梯度,分别在塔河、带岭、帽儿山的农田生境选择研究样地,采用手捡法调查不同纬度农田生态系统大型土壤动物的群落组成、水平结构、垂直结构和多样性特征,并运用双变量相关分析及典范对应分析阐明土壤动物群落和环境因子的相互关系,旨在揭示黑龙江省不同纬度梯度农田大型土壤动物群落分布特征及其影响因素。调查共捕获大型土壤动物35类2339只,隶属于2门6纲14目35科。其中线蚓科(Enchytraeidae)、正蚓科(Lumbricidae)、步甲科(Carabida)、隐翅虫科(Staphylinidae)为优势类群,其个体数占总个体数的58.84%;常见类群为蚁科(Formicidae)、蜘蛛目(Araneida)和地蜈蚣目(Geophilomorpha)等8类,其个体数占总个体数的32.79%。结果表明:(1)水平分布上:大型土壤动物个体密度和丰富度(即类群数)的水平分布均表现为帽儿山带岭塔河,单因素方差分析表明大型土壤动物的个体密度和丰富度在不同纬度地区无显著差异。Shannon-wiener多样性指数(H')和Pielou均匀度指数(E)均为帽儿山带岭塔河;Simpson优势度指数(C)表现为塔河和带岭最高,帽儿山最少;Margalef丰富度指数(D)则是塔河最多,其次为帽儿山和带岭。(2)垂直分布上:3个不同纬度样地的农田土壤动物个体密度和丰富度在同垂直层次间不存在明显差异(P0.05)。除帽儿山5—10 cm土层土壤动物类群数量较表层增加之外,其他样地大型土壤动物个体密度和丰富度均随土层深度的增加而逐渐降低,表聚性明显。(3)与土壤环境因子关系上:双变量相关分析表明,不同纬度农田大型土壤动物的类群数、个体密度、多样性指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数与土壤p H值、有机质、全氮、全磷和速效磷均没有显著的相关性;典范对应分析(CCA)进一步表明,优势类群和常见类群对环境因子具有较强的适应能力,广泛的分布在3个样地内。研究表明,农田生态系统大型土壤动物的类群数、个体密度和多样性指数随纬度梯度的增加先增加后减少,但不同纬度间均无显著性差异。不同土壤动物类群受到环境变量的影响程度不同,在局地尺度环境因子对土壤动物的影响不容忽视。研究为区域尺度农田生态系统土壤动物空间格局和生物多样性维持机制研究奠定基础。
[Abstract]:Along the gradient from high to low latitudes, farmland habitat selection in Tahe, Danling and Maoershan was studied. The community composition and horizontal structure of macrofauna in farmland ecosystem of different latitudes were investigated by hand picking method. The relationship between soil fauna community and environmental factors was elucidated by using bivariate correlation analysis and canonical correspondence analysis. The purpose of this study was to reveal the distribution characteristics of macrofauna community in farmland with different latitudes in Heilongjiang Province and its influencing factors. A total of 2339 large soil animals belonging to 2 phyla, 6 classes, 14 orders and 35 families were captured. The dominant group was (Staphylinidae) of (Carabida), in (Lumbricidae), of (Enchytraeidae), and the number of individuals accounted for 58.84% of the total number of individuals. The common groups are (Formicidae), (Araneida) and (Geophilomorpha), which account for 32.79% of the total number of individuals. The results showed that: (1) the horizontal distribution of individual density and abundance of macrofauna (I. e., the number of groups) in the soil showed that the horizontal distribution of individual density and abundance of macrofauna was in the Maoershan Dailing Ta River. Univariate analysis of variance showed that there was no significant difference in individual density and richness of macrofauna in different latitudes. Shannon-wiener diversity index (H') and Pielou evenness index (E) were both in Maoershan Danling River. The Simpson dominance index (C) was the highest in Tahe and Danling, and the lowest in Maoershan. The Margalef richness index (D) is the largest in the Tahe River. (2) Vertical distribution: there was no significant difference in individual density and richness of soil animals in three different latitudes (P0.05). The individual density and abundance of soil macrofauna decreased with the increase of soil depth in other plots except that the number of soil fauna in the soil layer of 5 cm to 10 cm in Maoershan increased compared with the surface layer, and the individual density and abundance of soil macrofauna decreased with the increase of soil depth. (3) Bivariate correlation analysis showed that the number of soil macrofauna, individual density, diversity index, evenness index and dominance index were related to soil pH value. There was no significant correlation among organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and available phosphorus. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) further showed that dominant groups and common groups had strong adaptability to environmental factors and were widely distributed in three plots. The results showed that the number of groups individual density and diversity index of macrofauna in farmland ecosystem increased first and then decreased with the increase of latitude gradient but there was no significant difference between different latitudes. Different soil fauna groups are affected by environmental variables to different extent, and the effects of environmental factors on soil animals at local scale can not be ignored. The study lays a foundation for the study of spatial pattern of soil fauna and the maintenance mechanism of biodiversity in farmland ecosystem on a regional scale.
【作者单位】: 地理科学学院哈尔滨师范大学;黑龙江省普通高等学校地理环境遥感监测重点实验室哈尔滨师范大学;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41471037,41371072,41430857) 黑龙江省普通本科高等学校青年创新人才培养计划(UNPYSCT-2015054)


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