[Abstract]:In order to determine the effect of nitrogen-doped carbon nano-particles (N-CNPs) on the nitrogen run-off and leakage of the single-season rice field under the field condition, the total nitrogen (TN) in the runoff and the leakage of the rice field was applied to different amounts of N-CNPs and dicyanamide (DCD) in the field cell experiment. The dynamic and total loss of nitrogen (NH _ 4 ~ +-N) and nitrate nitrogen (NO-3-N) were studied. The results show that the N-CNPs with urea can reduce the concentration of NH _ 4 ~ +-N and NO-3-N in the leakage liquid, and the concentration of NH _ 4 ~ +-N in the runoff solution is reduced by 30. 33% in the first natural rainfall runoff process after the base fertilizer. The concentration of NO-3-N decreased by 27. 22% in the 7th day after the base fertilizer. The total nitrogen loss of 15-N-CNPs was 8.15 kg 路 hm ~ (-2) in the whole growth period of rice, accounting for 4.08% of total nitrogen application in this treatment, and the decrease of Utrea was reduced by 2.04 kg 路 hm ~ (-2), the decrease was 20.02%, and the total amount of TN leakage was 16.59 kg 路 hm ~ (-2), accounting for 8.30% of total nitrogen application, and 8.83 kg 路 hm ~ (-2). The loss of runoff and leakage of TN was reduced by 5.67% and 15.70%, respectively, by 34. 73%. The results show that the application of N-CNPs in urea can significantly reduce the nitrogen run-off and leakage of the rice field, and improve the utilization efficiency of the nitrogen fertilizer and control the scope and strength of the non-point source pollution in the field.
【作者单位】: 湖南科技大学生态景观修复与规划设计研究所;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(31401943) 湖南省教育厅基金项目(14C0453)~~
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