[Abstract]:Cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover) is an important agricultural pest. In northern China, it can periodically parthenogenesis and sexual reproduction with seasonal changes, that is, in spring and summer, parthenogenetic aphid propagates in large numbers, and in autumn it produces sexual mother. It then produces a sexual female, mating with the male aphid to spawn and wintering with the eggs. Although the whole life history of APHIS gossypii (APHIS gossypii) and the mode of reproductive transformation (or reproductive plasticity) have been known, the molecular mechanism is not clear. At present, one of the models to study the transformation of aphid reproductive type is that the aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris), is different from the pea aphid, the cotton aphid has obvious sexual mother and the host plant is changed. Previously, we used RNA-seq to determine the differential gene expression profiles of parthenogenetic, sexual and sexual aphids of APHIS gossypii. Light transduction, progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation and endocrine regulation were enriched by GO clustering and KEGG pathway analysis. And the epidermis constitutes a signaling pathway. In this paper, progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation signal pathway and light transduction signal pathway were studied. At first, the expression of b-ubl, ccna2,polo,plkl and mad2 genes in progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation signaling pathway was verified by qRT-PCR. The expression level of bub1,ccna2 and polo in parthenogenetic cells was significantly higher than that in parthenogenetic women. The preliminary RNAi tests of bub1,ccna2 and polo by injecting dsRNA showed that bubl or ccna2RNAi could affect the ovarian development of parthenogenetic aphid, but it was not clear whether bubl or ccna2RNAi affected the transformation of reproductive type. At the same time, the temporal expression patterns of ninac,opsin,arr2,GNB2,Trp and ANA genes in the light transduction signaling pathway from parthenogenetic to mother were also determined by qRT-PCR. It was found that ninac,opsin, was found to be in the process of transformation from parthenogenesis to parthenogenesis. The expression levels of arr2 and GNB2 increased significantly at the 4th instar nymph stage of the sexual mother. Cotton aphid (APHIS gossypii) is small in size, thin in body wall and abundant in body fluid. There are few reports about RNAi in cotton aphid, and there is no comparative experiment of injecting and feeding dsRNA. In this paper, a systematic comparative study of injection and feeding of dsRNA was carried out, including injection site, injection dose, feeding dose, tissue uptake, interference efficiency, etc. The advantages and disadvantages of injection and feeding of dsRNA were discussed. The results showed that the injection site was between the middle chest and the posterior chest, the injection dose was 10 ng, and the feeding concentration was 400 ng/ 渭 l. Both injected and fed Cy3 labeled siRNA can be detected in ovaries and intestines.
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