[Abstract]:Electric vehicle power battery system is the energy source of electric vehicle and the core component of electric vehicle. The complex electrochemical reactions inside the battery are easily affected by temperature. The low temperature in winter and large temperature difference in winter and summer in high latitude and cold regions bring new challenges to the battery management of electric vehicle. Management is the basis of improving battery efficiency, prolonging battery life, ensuring battery safety, and optimizing system energy management strategies. However, due to the temperature characteristics of the battery, the battery accelerates aging at high temperatures, resulting in irreversible capacity loss. The large number of lithium ions involved in the reaction decreases, resulting in the decrease of the capacity and power characteristics of the battery pack. Lithium dendrite piercing through the diaphragm may even occur during charging, resulting in internal short circuit and threatening the safety of use. At the same time, the imbalance of power caused by the inconsistent characteristics of the battery itself after long-term recycling not only affects the capacity and power characteristics of the battery pack, but also affects the battery pack These problems greatly restrict the performance of the battery system and increase the risk and cost of the battery system. In view of the above problems, this paper aims to solve the problem of the battery system of electric vehicles due to the external environment temperature and the battery itself. In order to achieve this goal, the mechanism of battery performance attenuation caused by temperature is analyzed theoretically and practically, and the low-temperature operation characteristics of battery system in electric vehicles are formulated. The low temperature thermal management strategy of series battery pack is to adopt the low temperature preheating control method based on variable power regulation in the low temperature preheating mode to improve the performance of the battery. In order to solve the problem of SOC unbalance which affects the performance of batteries most seriously, a series battery equalization system is designed and an optimal equalization control strategy is developed to improve the power consistency of batteries and alleviate the unbalance of SOC on batteries. Specific research contents are as follows: Aiming at the performance attenuation mechanism of EV battery pack, the influence mechanism of environmental temperature and battery characteristic parameter consistency on the performance of series Li-ion battery pack is analyzed theoretically, and the effect of ambient temperature on battery internal resistance, open circuit voltage, discharge capacity and peak power is verified by experiments. The influence of internal resistance, open circuit voltage and inconsistency of power on battery terminal voltage, battery pack capacity and peak power is analyzed, and the influence of battery pack capacity and power attenuation rate on different types of inconsistency is defined. The performance attenuation of battery packs is evaluated. In addition, the differences of temperature and aging caused by the inconsistency of battery capacity are analyzed. Extended Kalman filter is used to estimate the model parameters on-line, and the peak charge and discharge power is estimated according to the battery voltage and current constraints. The model for estimating the internal temperature of the battery is established, and the influence of entropy and overpotential on the overall heat generation of the battery is analyzed. Based on the analysis of the influence, a method for estimating the internal temperature of the battery based on autogenous heat is proposed, and the internal temperature of the battery is estimated by the surface and ambient temperature of the battery collected in real time. By analyzing the low temperature preheating model of batteries, the method to determine the preheating target temperature is given. A fuzzy control method of variable power low temperature preheating based on proportional factor self-tuning is proposed. The preheating power is adjusted according to the maximum temperature difference on the surface of the batteries and the average temperature of the batteries. The peak power and internal temperature of the battery are monitored during the operation of the battery after moving. The power capacity of the battery under the condition of variable temperature is estimated by the peak power estimation method. The internal temperature of the battery is estimated accurately according to the surface and environmental temperature of the battery and the internal temperature estimation method. Battery performance attenuation, heat generation and temperature inconsistency caused by weighing are discussed. An active equalization structure of series battery pack based on bidirectional full bridge is proposed to realize bidirectional active equalization between series battery pack module and any unit in the module. Simply, according to the initial SOC imbalance state of the battery, the strategy searches for the global optimization, predicts the required equalization steps, time and power distribution after equalization in advance, seeks the optimal way to achieve the same power in the shortest time, and avoids the energy waste caused by reciprocating equalization.
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