本文关键词: 古建筑 领域本体 语义 问答系统 智慧旅游新产品 出处:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of the times, the ancient buildings left by the ancients are rich and colorful. The ancient buildings bring people not only the visual experience, but also the cultural knowledge behind them. What people yearn for is the historical details of these famous cultural cities and buildings preserved in different historical periods, people's pursuit of ancient buildings, and the development of Internet technology and the arrival of big data era. So that users can find travel information more conveniently through the network, but through the network lookup often exists the phenomenon of query results mismatch. Structured storage data can well regulate the mass of information. Structured knowledge base can make the division of knowledge more professional. Ontology in semantic Web is an axiom set and description logic is an effective tool to express ontology. Using an ontology-based question-and-answer system will make the query results more accurate. The domain-specific knowledge base standardizes the concepts in the domain and the attributes of the objects. Data attributes and semantic relationships between data attributes and other concepts. At present, there is much knowledge about ancient architecture at home and abroad, but the classification is not perfect. So this paper makes use of the advantage of ontology structure to standardize the knowledge in this field. Firstly, this paper studies the ancient architecture knowledge, constructs the ancient architecture ontology and formalizes the description logic. Secondly, the semantic analysis of the questions raised by the user is carried out, the interrogative words are identified, and the corresponding semantic relations are extracted according to the part of speech. Finally, the results are obtained by querying and reasoning the knowledge base. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1) the construction of ancient architecture ontology: using object oriented modeling method in software engineering as guidelines to construct ontology and collect ancient building data. The attributes of ancient architecture are extracted, the information of ancient architecture is reintegrated, and the inherent logical relationship between concepts is analyzed. The visual ontology tools Prot6g6 and OWL2 coding language are used. Construct the domain ontology of ancient architecture. Define the atomic concept and atomic role. Using description Logic to represent the Ontology of Ancient Architecture. Ancient architecture ontology query rules definition and reasoning: based on semantic dependency analysis algorithm to understand natural language questions. Jena will be used to annotate data resources. Persistence is stored in the database to form data with semantic information and provide data tables for ontology mapping. Semantic query and reasoning are carried out by using SPARQL language, and the rules of ancient architecture SWRL are defined. Enhancing reasoning ability for knowledge in the field of ancient architecture. The design of mobile APP platform for ancient architecture knowledge query: the direct parent and subclass of Jena analytic concept are used to design the display function of ancient architecture list. Based on the above theories and algorithms, an ontology based ancient architecture question answering system prototype is implemented, and the above research results are combined with mobile devices. It runs the old building app on the mobile phone, innovates the intelligent tourism product, uses the AJAX technology to load the data dynamically, and finally verifies and compares the accuracy of the question and answer.
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