本文选题:考勤 切入点:数据采集 出处:《大连理工大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of the Internet and information technology, many business processes of enterprises and units have basically realized information management. With the help of information management, the work efficiency of the units can be improved. The current information management system has a high level of information management in business, but the processing of business data is still in the exploratory stage. Therefore, the development of an information management system that can meet the business needs of enterprises and units, And it is very promising to have a system that can make achievements in enterprise management and business data. Attendance attendance, as a very important daily management work of enterprises and units, has basically realized information technology. All kinds of machine solutions and products in the market are able to complete the employee's attendance registration. However, it is not enough to register the attendance time alone. The current data analysis technology is developing so quickly, and with the accumulation of attendance data, The value of data is not reflected, so the design of a management that can analyze basic data and integrate attendance management will be very meaningful for attendance management, not only can improve the efficiency of attendance management, According to the request of Anshan Foreign Economic Commission for attendance management, this paper designs and implements an integrated employee data management and attendance management. First of all, the paper investigates the attendance management system, analyzes the current situation of the application of the attendance management system, and finds out the shortcomings of the system. And the development trend of attendance management in the future is analyzed preliminarily. According to the actual demand of Anshan Foreign Economic Commission, the function and performance requirements are summarized, and the function design flow of the system is introduced in detail. The system is divided into five main functional modules: employee information management, attendance information management, leave management, statistical report form and system setup. The value of the data in the attendance system is brought into play by the analysis of the primary attendance management by using the attendance data.
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