本文选题:机器视觉 + 嵌入式系统 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The color selection system based on machine vision is a kind of intelligent screening equipment, which involves optical imaging, image processing and electrical signal control. At present, the computer is used as the control core in the image signal processing in the color selection system, which has the disadvantages of large volume and low screening efficiency. Nowadays, the leapfrog development of embedded technology provides new ideas and methods for color separation system, and black and white color separation equipment has been widely used because of its advantages of simple structure and high performance to price ratio. Therefore, this paper studies the embedded black and white color selection system based on machine vision, with FPGA as the control core, which has the characteristics of good real-time and high reliability, and has a broad application prospect in the fields of industry and agriculture. In this paper, the main control circuit board and the output driving circuit board of FPGA are designed and fabricated by taking the black and white linear CCD camera as the sensing element and the XC3S500E chip of Xilinx Company as the processing core. The dual port RAM is built by IP technology of FPGA to realize the separation control of reading and storage of material information. Because the uneven illumination will bring deviation to the measurement result, the VHDL hardware description language is used to realize the correction function of the visual data, and the pixel gray value is compensated for nonlinearity. Reprogramming to achieve comparative judgment and delay output drive signal and other functions. The drive circuit controls the opening and closing of the valve to eliminate the defective products. Taking rice detection as the research object, using MATLAB simulation tools to study various image processing algorithms, and improve them to make them suitable for FPGA color sorting equipment, including: using different filtering algorithms for image denoising. Finally, the median filtering algorithm is selected and improved. The binary rice image is obtained by using image segmentation algorithm, and then the improved morphological processing algorithm is used to remove the small noise and defect points in the image and smooth the contour of the object. In this paper, the connected region labeling algorithm is used to identify the grains in the rice image. At the same time, the algorithm of rice appearance detection was studied. The boundary contour of rice grain was obtained by contour tracking, and the grain length axis was calculated by the smallest outer rectangle, and the grain shape information was obtained. By setting the appropriate gray threshold, the detection of different color rice can be realized. The characteristics of hardware implementation of different image processing algorithms are analyzed, and the image processing algorithm is transplanted to embedded black and white color selection system. Using VHDL hardware description language, the improved median filter optimization algorithm, image binarization algorithm, morphological processing algorithm and connected area marking algorithm are compiled under the ISE13.4 development tool of Xilinx Company. The processing effect and running time of each algorithm were tested.
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