[Abstract]:The content of this paper is the design and implementation of the online learning platform of "mobile interconnection". The mobile phone application software is written in Objective-C language, and the database is my SQL relational database, which I know better. The app, which supports Android iOS, is a question-and-answer model that allows students to interact with teachers. Students can post questions not only in words, but also in pictures, and then teachers answer questions. Gold coins and points can be obtained. Gold coins can be converted into real income by withdrawals, and points are used as a criterion for promotion, which encourages teachers to answer more questions. The client of this system is teacher end and student end. The teacher client is responsible for receiving students' questions and can answer them in real time so that students can solve them in a very short time. While asking and answering, students can improve their learning efficiency, students can describe the problem, can also know the solution to the problem, can query the majority of people to check the problem, but also through the client to review the previous questions. The development of "Mobile Internet" online learning platform helps students and teachers to better complete their learning tasks, improve learning efficiency, and improve the existing stereotypical learning mode. The main content of this paper is to introduce the significance of the development of "problem Express" online learning platform, corresponding to the use of some of the main technology to do a brief introduction, through research requirements analysis, I based on the needs analysis of the design and implementation, The system is divided into modules and the importance and feasibility of the online learning platform are analyzed, including the outline, design and implementation of the "mobile interconnection" online learning platform. The specific technical difficulties will be described in the detailed design part. At the end of the paper, the implementation of the system and some key codes are shown. Finally, the functional test of the system is carried out to ensure the high quality of the system.
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