[Abstract]:In order to accord with the integrated processing mode of human brain to different senses, such as vision and hearing, and to perceive the external information, the computer can simulate the human brain's cognition of different types of multimedia data. Learning and reasoning decision-making and other processes of information processing, so "cross-media" technology came into being. With the diversification and complexity of multimedia data on the Internet, it becomes more and more important to realize the accurate and effective cross-media data retrieval. Cross-media retrieval is currently facing two challenges: on the one hand, due to the difference of feature dimension and attribute in the underlying feature representation of different types of multimedia data, there is heterogeneity between them. That is, cross-media heterogeneity gap; On the other hand, there may be inconsistency between the underlying features of different types of multimedia data and their high-level semantics, that is, the cross-media semantic gap. In order to solve these two problems, it is necessary to deeply mine and analyze the complex association relationship between cross-media data. In this paper, the depth canonical correlation analysis is improved and applied to cross-media data to construct cross-media correlation learning model. Depth canonical correlation analysis (DCCA) is a depth method for measuring similarity between text and image pairs mapping to a common potential subspace. The method adopted in this paper improves the structure of the traditional DCCA and transforms the first hidden layer of the network into the linear projection loss layer. The training of the linear projection layer is combined with the training of the nonlinear hidden layer to ensure that the linear projection can be well matched with the nonlinear processing stage, at the same time, A more abstract and accurate representation of the original input data can be obtained from the output of the network. Then, the complex correlation between cross-media data is mined through cross-media correlation analysis. In the potential space of cross-media retrieval, semantically consistent images and texts should be close to each other, but CCA and its extension methods can not satisfy this requirement only by maximizing the correlation between images and corresponding texts. Therefore, a cross-media retrieval method based on depth correlation analysis (CMSCR).) is proposed in this paper. By automatically exploring semantic tags for cross-media relevance learning, the image and text maximal correlation subspace is trained to train the semantic mapping, thus the image semantic space and the text semantic space are obtained. Then the correlation between text and image is calculated by similarity measurement, and cross-media retrieval is realized. In the end, this paper designs and introduces each aspect of cross media system, classifies and arranges the popular algorithms of cross-media retrieval. In addition, a cross-media correlation retrieval engine is designed and its user interface and retrieval results are demonstrated by an example.
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