发布时间:2018-11-03 07:59
【摘要】:2013年国家局烟草专卖管理工作会议上提出构建“APCD”市场监管体系,用于指导市场监管工作。构建工作由贵州、浙江等地作为试点单位,负责创建体系、运行并形成经典案例,最终汇编成为《烟草零售市场检查工作指引》。辽宁省烟草专卖局高度重视此项工作,要求鞍山市局作为省内试点单位进行进一步学习,在学习指导文件的基础上,构建符合辽宁实际工作情况的“APCD”市场监管体系。“APCD”市场监管体系共分为四个环节。“A”即Analysis,为分析环节;“P”即Plan,为计划环节;“C”即Check,为检查环节;“D”即Deal with,为处理环节。在四员联动系统专卖模块的开发过程中,我们紧密结合国家局、省局提出的“APCD”工作法相关要求,确定设计思路,搭建内容框架。专卖部门与信息中心、太和物联信息技术有限公司工作人员召开了多次联席会议,商讨系统开发具体工作。一是认真学习国家局、省局相关文件。学习《国家局烟草零售市场检查工作指引》和《省局分析环节九项指标设计》内容,了解APCD工作法基本原理与组织架构。二是总结经验,提报需求。在学习上级单位指导文件的基础上,我们全面总结了APCD工作法在鞍山的设计、运行经验,密切联系实际工作,提出系统功能需求。三是试用体验,探索尝试。在系统初步搭建后,我们邀请专卖一线稽查人员进行试用体验,从中发现系统功能方面存在的缺陷与不足,并加以改进。在此基础上,我们根据一线人员需求和设想,探索性的尝试一些辅助功能开发,不断对系统进行完善。最终我们构建了分析环节以营销数据为核心分析点,以案件信息为辅助分析手段,信息碰撞产生分级别预警户;计划环节分类别制定针对性计划;检查环节手机端程序辅助,检查动态实时显示,完成进度实时跟踪;处理环节案件信息整理加工,数据全面统计、信息反哺支撑分析环节的信息化平台建设总体框架。系统包括分析、计划、检查、处理四大模块;经营分析、案件分析、计划制定等8个子模块;同比分析、环比分析、单规格卷烟分析等14个功能模块。
[Abstract]:At the National Bureau of Tobacco Monopoly Management Conference in 2013, it was proposed to construct the "APCD" market supervision system to guide the market supervision. The construction work by Guizhou, Zhejiang and other places as pilot units, responsible for creating the system, running and forming classic cases, and finally compiled into the "Tobacco Retail Market Inspection guidelines". Liaoning Provincial Tobacco Monopoly Bureau attaches great importance to this work and requires Anshan Bureau to conduct further study as a pilot unit in the province, based on the study guidance document. The market supervision system of "APCD" is divided into four links: "A" (Analysis,) is the analysis link; "P" (Plan,) is the planning link, "C" (Check,) is the inspection link, and "D" (Deal with,) is the processing link. In the course of the development of the exclusive module of the four-member linkage system, we combine closely with the relevant requirements of "APCD" work law put forward by the State Bureau and the Provincial Bureau, determine the design ideas and build the content framework. The monopoly department and information center, Taihe Union Information Technology Co., Ltd. held a number of joint meetings to discuss the specific work of system development. First, seriously study the State Bureau, provincial bureau related documents. To study the contents of the National Bureau of Tobacco Retail Market Inspection Guide and the Nine Index Design of Provincial Bureau Analysis, and to understand the basic principles and organizational structure of the APCD working method. The second is to sum up experience, report demand. On the basis of studying the guiding documents of superior units, we have summed up the design and operation experience of APCD working method in Anshan, closely linked with the actual work, and put forward the functional requirements of the system. Third, try experience, explore and try. After the initial construction of the system, we invite the first-line inspectors to try out the system, and find out the defects and deficiencies in the system function, and improve it. On this basis, we try to develop some auxiliary functions according to the needs and assumptions of personnel, and improve the system continuously. Finally, we construct the analysis link with marketing data as the core analysis point, case information as the auxiliary analysis means, information collision to produce a sub-level early warning households; Check the mobile phone terminal program to assist, check the dynamic real-time display, complete the real-time tracking of progress; deal with the link case information processing, data comprehensive statistics, information feedback support the overall framework of the information platform. The system includes four modules: analysis, plan, inspection and processing; business analysis, case analysis, plan making and so on; annual analysis, ring analysis, single specification cigarette analysis and other 14 functional modules.
[Abstract]:At the National Bureau of Tobacco Monopoly Management Conference in 2013, it was proposed to construct the "APCD" market supervision system to guide the market supervision. The construction work by Guizhou, Zhejiang and other places as pilot units, responsible for creating the system, running and forming classic cases, and finally compiled into the "Tobacco Retail Market Inspection guidelines". Liaoning Provincial Tobacco Monopoly Bureau attaches great importance to this work and requires Anshan Bureau to conduct further study as a pilot unit in the province, based on the study guidance document. The market supervision system of "APCD" is divided into four links: "A" (Analysis,) is the analysis link; "P" (Plan,) is the planning link, "C" (Check,) is the inspection link, and "D" (Deal with,) is the processing link. In the course of the development of the exclusive module of the four-member linkage system, we combine closely with the relevant requirements of "APCD" work law put forward by the State Bureau and the Provincial Bureau, determine the design ideas and build the content framework. The monopoly department and information center, Taihe Union Information Technology Co., Ltd. held a number of joint meetings to discuss the specific work of system development. First, seriously study the State Bureau, provincial bureau related documents. To study the contents of the National Bureau of Tobacco Retail Market Inspection Guide and the Nine Index Design of Provincial Bureau Analysis, and to understand the basic principles and organizational structure of the APCD working method. The second is to sum up experience, report demand. On the basis of studying the guiding documents of superior units, we have summed up the design and operation experience of APCD working method in Anshan, closely linked with the actual work, and put forward the functional requirements of the system. Third, try experience, explore and try. After the initial construction of the system, we invite the first-line inspectors to try out the system, and find out the defects and deficiencies in the system function, and improve it. On this basis, we try to develop some auxiliary functions according to the needs and assumptions of personnel, and improve the system continuously. Finally, we construct the analysis link with marketing data as the core analysis point, case information as the auxiliary analysis means, information collision to produce a sub-level early warning households; Check the mobile phone terminal program to assist, check the dynamic real-time display, complete the real-time tracking of progress; deal with the link case information processing, data comprehensive statistics, information feedback support the overall framework of the information platform. The system includes four modules: analysis, plan, inspection and processing; business analysis, case analysis, plan making and so on; annual analysis, ring analysis, single specification cigarette analysis and other 14 functional modules.
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1 姚宇;鞍山烟草APCD系统的设计与实现[D];大连理工大学;2016年