本文选题:风景园林 + 南宁 ; 参考:《中南林业科技大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:南宁市是广西壮族自治区的首府,城市公共空间中有着大量具有少数民族、地理环境、社会文化的园林景观。为了弄清南宁城市公共空间中地域文化景观的文化类型、表达主题和设计手法,运用文化原型分析、主题分析和设计手法分析等方法,在对南宁市大小57个公共空间中的文化景观进行分析,得到主要结果如下: 南宁市公共空间地域文化景观表达的文化类型主要有南亚热带植物文化、少数民族文化、岭南园林文化和东盟文化四大类。南亚热带植物文化指基于自然地理条件形成的南亚热带植物景观,典型代表有复层植物景观、棕榈植物景观、榕属植物景观、“果树上街”景观、多彩的花灌木景观,营造南宁为闻名的“绿城”。少数民族文化中以壮族文化气息最为浓厚,在公共景观突出表达了壮族的铜鼓、图腾与信仰、民歌、绣球、壮锦、民居文化。南宁公共景观中一定程度上体现了岭南园林的艺术特征和造园手法。随着中国—东盟博览会落户南宁以及中国东盟“一轴两翼”区域经济合作的加快推进,东南亚文化也涌入了南宁并体现在南宁的公共景观中。 南宁市公共空间地域文化景观的突出表达的主题有7大类:五象福降、金花茶俏、民歌嘹亮、铜鼓音悦,红色记忆、民族融合、异国风情。 南宁市公共空间地域文化景观在平面布局、空间营造、植物景观设计、建筑小品设计上主要运用了有保留、转化、再现、提炼、抽象、对比的设计手法,将亚热带植物文化、少数民族文化、岭南园林文化和东盟文化进行了很好的表达。 南宁市地域文化资源丰富,为南宁市塑造城市特色景观,展现独特城市风貌提供了丰富的题材和表达载体。
[Abstract]:Nanning is the capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region. In order to find out the cultural types of regional cultural landscape in the public space of Nanning, to express the theme and design method, to use the methods of cultural archetype analysis, thematic analysis and design technique analysis, etc. In the analysis of the cultural landscape in 57 public spaces in Nanning, the main results are as follows: the cultural types expressed in the regional cultural landscape of Nanning public space are mainly subtropical plant culture and minority culture. Lingnan garden culture and ASEAN culture four categories. The subtropical plant culture refers to the plant landscape of the subtropical region based on the natural geographical conditions. Typical examples are the landscape of stratified plants, the landscape of palm plants, the landscape of figs, the landscape of "fruit trees on the street", and the colorful landscape of flowers and shrubs. Build Nanning as the famous "Green City". In the minority culture, Zhuang culture is the most strong, in the public landscape highlighted the expression of the Zhuang bronze drum, totem and faith, folk songs, embroidery ball, Zhuang brocade, folk residence culture. To a certain extent, Nanning public landscape reflects the artistic characteristics and gardening techniques of Lingnan Gardens. With the establishment of China-ASEAN Exposition in Nanning and the acceleration of regional economic cooperation between China and ASEAN, Southeast Asian culture has also poured into Nanning and embodied in Nanning's public landscape. Nanning public space regional cultural landscape prominent expression of the theme of seven categories: five auspicious, golden tea, folk songs loud and clear, bronze drum sound Yue, red memory, national integration, exotic customs. Nanning public space regional cultural landscape in the plane layout, space construction, plant landscape design, architectural sketch design has mainly used the reservation, transformation, reproduction, extraction, abstraction, contrast design techniques, subtropical plant culture, Minority culture, Lingnan garden culture and ASEAN culture are well expressed. Nanning is rich in regional cultural resources, which provides a rich theme and expression carrier for Nanning to shape the city's characteristic landscape and display its unique style and features.
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