发布时间:2018-07-14 15:12
【摘要】:当前我国各省陆续开展并完成了省级主体功能区规划,实施并构建以主体功能区为基础的区域开发格局,成为各省“十二五”发展规划期间的重要任务。重庆市是中西部地区唯一的直辖市,是全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区,在促进区域协调发展和推进改革开放大局中具有重要的战略地位。重庆市集大城市、大农村、大库区、大山区和民族地区于一体,城乡关系、区域关系、民族关系具有特殊性,统筹区域发展既是重庆市协调城乡、区域、民族三个关系的必然要求,也是为全国统筹城乡改革提供示范的需要,是形成沿海与内陆联动开发开放新格局、保障长江流域生态环境安全、深入实施西部大开发战略的需要。重庆市主体功能区规划将于2013年付诸实施,如何以统筹发展的政策框架推进形成主体功能区,实现重庆市区域发展空间结构优化成为当前的紧迫问题。 国外尽管没有采用“主体功能区”、“统筹发展”概念,但区域发展、区域分工与协作、区域一体化、城乡一体化等相关的研究较为成熟,并有区位理论、核心边缘理论等众多区域研究成果,为建立具有中国特色的区域发展理论提供了丰富的参照素材。国内关于主体功能区研究,重点讨论了主体功能区的划分、形成机制、实施政策配套等关键问题;对统筹发展的研究则是在国家建设需求下重点探讨城乡间的土地、财政、劳动力等产业资源,以及产业结构的统筹管理,并研究如何实现城乡统筹的政策措施,如何统筹区域各项要素以确保区域发展目标实现、保证区域协调发展的相关研究成果还不多;对采用区域统筹的发展理念促进主体功能区形成,如何统筹区域资源以保证各主体功能区之间、主体功能区内部各构成部分的协调这一领域,目前尚未得到足够重视。 本文运用区域地理学及区域科学的区位、地域分异、空间结构优化、空间相互作用等分析方法,研究重庆市主体功能区的区域特征,构建了重庆市区域空间结构的核心边缘-点轴复合结构模型,用空间相互作用模型研究了重庆市这一巨型核心城市的区域影响力,用区位商法和基尼系数法研究重庆市区域发展的总体差异,用pearson相关分析法度量区县间发展综合差距,并进行聚类分析,用生态足迹模型测算区县间的生态承载力差异,在主体功能区均衡模型基础上进一步研究主体功能区划分指标及其分类标准。最后运用空间相互作用模型和空间聚类分析模型将重庆市各区县划分为不同类型区。 主要研究结果如下: (1)国家层面发展战略将重庆定位为西部发展增长极核、长江上游枢纽、五大都市化地区之一城乡统筹发展改革试验区;西部地区层面则着力打造成渝经济区、重视库区建设和少数民族山区建设,开展跨省协作;重庆市域层面则充分依托各区县发展基础和潜力,正视区县间的差异,提出都市核心区、都市拓展区、都市发展新区、生态涵养区和生态保护区等发展目标要求。 (2)重庆城市空间经济影响力可分为四个等级。第一级是市域内强影响区,重庆市的影响力超过其他所有城市影响力的总和,包括梁平、万州、石柱、酉阳及其以西的共计24个区县;第二级是市域内中度影响区,重庆市的影响力超过其他所有城市影响力平均值,包括秀山、奉节、开县等7县;第三级为市域外强影响区,重庆市的影响力超过其他所有城市影响力最大值,包括四川及贵州、湖北的38个区县市:第四级为市域外重庆市影响力超过其他城市影响力平均值的范围,包括四川、云南、贵州、湖南与湖北的57个区县市。 (3)重庆市内部区域差异。将经济发展、人口与劳动力、基础设施建设、土地利用、生态承载力等角度的区域发展空间格局进行空间叠合,得到“都市-现代农村-生态两翼”三层级区域开发格局:第一层级是以主城区强势发展构成的都市核心区域:第二层级上近郊四区构成的卫星城、江北特色农业、江南矿业旅游业区、万州次中心及黔江次中心;第三层级是东北部三峡库区及东南部特色产业区。 (4)重庆市经济-人口-生态系统具有较高的相关关系。其中经济与人口空间分布耦合方程检验指数高达0.99以上;人口、经济的空间分布同渝中区的距离拟合方程,其检验指数也高达0.9:同时,生态承载力与经济开发程度呈相反的变化关系,主城九区拥有全市67.96%的城市建设用地,外围10县则拥有全市60%以上的林草地。全市由强势发展的核心区、生态优良的外围区和活跃的发展轴三个部分构成。 (5)重庆市统筹发展综合分区为城市化核心区、城市化扩展区、现代农业开发区、生态与农业区及禁止开发区五类区域,并配有区间发展轴。各主体功能区又按照优化区、强化区和培育区三个层次进行分级管理,按此方法将重庆市各区县分为十一种主体功能类型。 (6)从市场、人口、土地、投资、生态儿个方面提出区域统筹发展空间结构优化政策建议。 通过对上述内容的研究,得到如下结论: (1)主体功能区是具有明确功能目标的复杂要素构成的区域。主体功能区是由经济、人口、生态的各类要素及其之间复杂关联构成的区域,这种复杂关联是引起重庆市各主体功能区之间、主体功能区内部各区县之间的功能状态差异的主要原因。不同主体功能区目标差异对区域资源的需求不同,功能不同,因而有不同的区域管理政策需求;同一主体功能区无差异功能目标对区内各区县的资源管理与分配提出了新的要求,统筹主体功能区资源,促进各区县共同实现主体功能目标成为新的区域管理任务。统筹区域发展应当充分考虑主体功能区功能目标与区域发展现状的差异,统筹区域资源,引导人口合理流动,形成区域人均经济发展水平、人均生态发展水平、人均社会发展水平总和的各功能区接近均等状态。 (2)以统筹区域发展贯穿主体功能区管理,是当前区域发展战略部署的新转变。其一是主体功能区内部各区县之间发展差异的客观存在,需统筹区域资源促使各区县协调发展,共同达成主体功能区的功能目标;其二是不同主体功能区之间功能目标差异,需要统筹区域资源促使各主体功能区相互支持、协调共存,保障全市社会经济在良好生态环境基础上持续发展;其三是重点开发区超级发展极核具有超越省界的社会经济影响力,需要将区域服务空间和资源获取空间拓展到相邻省份甚至更远,区域统筹的空间范围也相应拓展。 (3)核心-边缘空间结构发展模式是重庆市现阶段区域发展的主要特征。首先是重庆市主城核心区的超常发展,其服务空间范围已显著超出省界,服务人口数倍于市域总人口,从而主城区成为全市超级发展极核,与市域次级中心地增长的差距成倍拉大。其次,主城核心区的战略合作空间超越省界,到达邻省中心城市,甚至更远的经济极核,与市域非核心区的差异显著。市域交通干线网络上的次中心是边缘区高效率国土开发的首选地,也是主城核心区辐射整个市域空间的中转地,因此市域各等级城镇沿着交通干线成长,集成为市域发展空间结构的轴带。核心区的超常规模和发展轴带的存在,成为各类主体功能区内部发展空间差异的主导因素。 论文的创新点如下: (1)从多层面的区域分析论证了以区域统筹发展贯穿主体功能区空间格局形成的必然逻辑,是区域研究的新探索。论文运用这一思路对重庆市主体功能区空间结构优化提出统筹发展方案,阐明了重庆市三类主体功能区各区县为实现功能目标所需的政策措施,为重庆市区域管理提供了参考依据。 (2)在新经济地理学理论框架下构建了重庆市区域统筹发展的核心-边缘模型,进一步明晰了重庆市区域统筹发展空间结构形势,以及在主体功能目标总体要求下,各区县对区域统筹发展的响应,丰富了区域研究理论的实践内涵。
[Abstract]:At present, the provinces of our country have carried out and completed the provincial main function area planning, the implementation and construction of the regional development pattern based on the main function area, which has become an important task during the "12th Five-Year" development planning of all provinces. Chongqing is the only municipality in the central and Western regions. Regional coordinated development and promotion of reform and opening up have an important strategic position. Chongqing city of large cities, large rural, big reservoir area, Dashan area and ethnic areas are integrated, urban and rural relations, regional relations and ethnic relations are special. Regional development is the necessary requirement for the coordination of the three relations between urban and rural, regional and ethnic groups in Chongqing. The need to provide a demonstration for the whole country's urban and rural reform is to form a new pattern of developing and opening up the coastal and inland linkage, ensuring the ecological environment security of the Yangtze River Basin and implementing the strategy of the western development in depth. The main function area of Chongqing will be put into practice in 2013, and how to promote the formation of the main function with the policy framework of overall development. To optimize the spatial structure of Chongqing's regional development has become an urgent problem.
Although the concept of "main function area" and "overall development" is not adopted abroad, the related research of regional development, regional division of labor and cooperation, regional integration and urban and rural integration is more mature, and many regional research results, such as location theory and core edge theory, have provided rich regional development theory with Chinese characteristics. The domestic research on the main function area, focusing on the division of the main functional areas, the formation mechanism, the implementation of the key issues of policy supporting, and the research on the overall development of the country is the focus on the land, finance, labor and other industrial resources in the city, as well as the overall management of the industrial structure under the demand of the national construction, and the research on the overall management of the industrial structure. How to realize the policy and measures of urban and rural overall planning, how to co-ordinate the regional elements to ensure the realization of the regional development goals, and to ensure the coordinated development of the region is not much, and the development concept of regional coordination to promote the formation of the main functional areas, how to coordinate the regional resources to ensure the functional areas between the main body, the main function area. The coordination of the various parts of the Department has not yet received enough attention.
In this paper, the regional features of regional geography and regional science, regional differentiation, spatial structure optimization and spatial interaction are used to study the regional characteristics of the main functional areas in Chongqing, and the core edge point axis composite structure model of the regional spatial structure in Chongqing is constructed, and the giant Chongqing city is studied by the spatial interaction model. The regional influence of the core city, using the location commercial law and the Gene coefficient method to study the overall difference of regional development in Chongqing, use the Pearson correlation analysis method to develop the comprehensive gap between counties and counties, and carry on the cluster analysis, use the ecological footprint model to calculate the difference of ecological carrying capacity between counties and counties, and further on the basis of the balance model of the main function area. In the end, the spatial interaction model and the spatial cluster analysis model are used to divide the districts and counties of Chongqing into different types.
The main results are as follows:
(1) the national level development strategy takes Chongqing as the polar nucleus of western development, the hub of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and one of the five metropolitan areas. The western region lays stress on building the Chengdu Chongqing Economic Zone, paying more attention to the construction of the reservoir area and the establishment of the minority mountain areas and carrying out the cross province cooperation; the Chongqing city level is fully dependent on the area level. The development foundation and potential of all districts and counties are developed, and the differences between districts and counties are met, and the development goals of urban core area, urban development area, urban development area, ecological conservation area and ecological protection area are put forward.
(2) the urban spatial economic influence of Chongqing can be divided into four grades. The first level is the strong influence area in the city. The influence of Chongqing is more than the sum of the influence of all other cities, including Liang Ping, Wanzhou, Shizhu, Youyang and the west of the total 24 districts; the second is the moderate influence area in the city, and the influence of Chongqing is more than the others. The average value of urban influence includes 7 counties, such as Xiushan, Fengjie, Kaixian and other counties; the third level is the strong influence area of the city, and the influence of Chongqing is more than all other cities, including Sichuan and Guizhou, and the 38 districts and counties of Hubei: the fourth level is the scope of the influence of Chongqing in the city outside the city, including the average value of other cities, including the influence of other cities. Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan and Hubei are 57 districts and counties.
(3) regional differences in Chongqing city. The spatial pattern of regional development, such as economic development, population and labor, infrastructure construction, land use and ecological carrying capacity, is superimposed, and the three level regional development pattern of "urban modern countryside and ecological two wings" is obtained: the first level is a city core composed of the strong development of the main city area. The heart area: the satellite city of the four district of the second level suburb, the Jiangbei characteristic agriculture, the Jiangnan mining tourism area, the Wanzhou sub center and the Qianjiang sub center; the third level is the Three Gorges Reservoir area and the southeastern characteristic industrial area in the northeast.
(4) the economic population ecological system of Chongqing has a high correlation. The test index of the coupling equation of the spatial distribution of economy and population is up to 0.99. Population, the spatial distribution of the economy and the distance fitting equation of the central Chongqing region, the test index is also up to 0.9: at the same time, the biological bearing capacity and the economic development degree are in the opposite direction. The nine district of the main city owns 67.96% of the city construction land in the city, and the 10 counties in the periphery have more than 60% forest grassland in the city. The city is composed of three parts: the core area of strong development, the ecologically fine periphery and the active development axis.
(5) Chongqing comprehensive development comprehensive zoning is the core area of urbanization, the expansion area of urbanization, the modern agricultural development zone, the ecological and agricultural area and the five regions of the forbidden Development Zone, and equipped with the interval development axis. The main functional areas are divided into three layers according to the optimized area, the fortified area and the cultivation area. According to this method, the districts and counties of Chongqing are divided into the districts and counties. It is the eleven main function type.
(6) from the market, population, land, investment, and ecological aspects, we put forward policy proposals for optimizing the spatial structure of regional co ordinating development.
Through the study of the above contents, the following conclusions can be drawn:
(1) the main function area is a region with complex elements with clear functional objectives. The main function area is a region composed of various elements of economy, population and ecology and the complex correlation between them. This complex association is the main cause of the functional differences between the main functional areas of Chongqing and the functional states between the districts and counties within the main work energy area. The difference between the target difference of the main function area and the regional resources is different and the function is different, so there are different needs of the regional management policy. The same main function area has no difference function target to put forward new requirements for the resource management and distribution in each district and county in the District, and coordinate the resources of the main function area, and promote the district and county to realize the main work work together. The overall regional development should take full account of the differences between the functional objectives of the main functional areas and the current situation of regional development, and to coordinate the regional resources, guide the rational flow of the population, form the level of regional economic development per capita, the level of per capita ecological development, and the function areas of the total social development level of the people. State.
(2) to co-ordinate the management of regional development through the main functional area is the new transformation of the current regional development strategy deployment. One is the objective existence of the development difference between the districts and counties within the main function area. It is necessary to coordinate the regional resources to promote the coordinated development of the districts and counties, and to achieve the functional objectives of the main functional areas, and the other is between the different main functional areas. The difference of function and target needs to co-ordinate regional resources to support each other, coordinate and coexist, ensure the sustainable development of the city's social economy on the basis of good ecological environment, and thirdly, the super development pole of the key development zone has the social and economic influence beyond the provincial boundary, and needs to expand the space and resources of regional service. Expanding to neighboring provinces or even farther, the scope of regional co ordination will expand correspondingly.
(3) the core edge spatial structure development model is the main feature of the regional development at the present stage of Chongqing. First, the supernormal development of the main city of Chongqing City, its service space has exceeded the provincial boundary significantly, the service population is several times the total population of the city, thus the main City has become the super development core of the city, and the secondary center of the city is growing. Secondly, the strategic cooperation space in the core area of the main city goes beyond the provincial boundary, reaches the central city in the neighbouring provinces, even further far from the economic polar nuclei, and is significantly different from the non core district of the city. The sub center of the city traffic trunk network is the first choice for the high efficiency land development in the marginal area, and also the core area of the main city to radiate the whole city space. In turn, the cities and towns in the city are growing along the traffic trunk lines, and they are the axis belts for the spatial structure development of the city. The supernormal scale and the existence of the development axis of the core area have become the leading factors of the spatial differences in the internal development of the main functional areas.
The innovative points of this paper are as follows:
(1) from the multilevel regional analysis, the inevitable logic of the formation of the spatial pattern of the main functional area through regional overall development is demonstrated. It is a new exploration of the regional research. This paper uses this idea to make an overall development plan for the optimization of the spatial structure of the main functional areas in Chongqing, and clarifies the achievement of the three types of main functional areas in the city of Chongqing. The policies and measures needed to achieve the goals provide a reference for Chongqing's regional management.
(2) under the framework of new economic geography, the core edge model of regional overall development in Chongqing is constructed, and the spatial structure of regional overall development in Chongqing is clarified, and the response of each district and county to the overall development of the region has been enriched under the overall requirement of the main function target, which enriches the practical connotation of the regional research theory.
[Abstract]:At present, the provinces of our country have carried out and completed the provincial main function area planning, the implementation and construction of the regional development pattern based on the main function area, which has become an important task during the "12th Five-Year" development planning of all provinces. Chongqing is the only municipality in the central and Western regions. Regional coordinated development and promotion of reform and opening up have an important strategic position. Chongqing city of large cities, large rural, big reservoir area, Dashan area and ethnic areas are integrated, urban and rural relations, regional relations and ethnic relations are special. Regional development is the necessary requirement for the coordination of the three relations between urban and rural, regional and ethnic groups in Chongqing. The need to provide a demonstration for the whole country's urban and rural reform is to form a new pattern of developing and opening up the coastal and inland linkage, ensuring the ecological environment security of the Yangtze River Basin and implementing the strategy of the western development in depth. The main function area of Chongqing will be put into practice in 2013, and how to promote the formation of the main function with the policy framework of overall development. To optimize the spatial structure of Chongqing's regional development has become an urgent problem.
Although the concept of "main function area" and "overall development" is not adopted abroad, the related research of regional development, regional division of labor and cooperation, regional integration and urban and rural integration is more mature, and many regional research results, such as location theory and core edge theory, have provided rich regional development theory with Chinese characteristics. The domestic research on the main function area, focusing on the division of the main functional areas, the formation mechanism, the implementation of the key issues of policy supporting, and the research on the overall development of the country is the focus on the land, finance, labor and other industrial resources in the city, as well as the overall management of the industrial structure under the demand of the national construction, and the research on the overall management of the industrial structure. How to realize the policy and measures of urban and rural overall planning, how to co-ordinate the regional elements to ensure the realization of the regional development goals, and to ensure the coordinated development of the region is not much, and the development concept of regional coordination to promote the formation of the main functional areas, how to coordinate the regional resources to ensure the functional areas between the main body, the main function area. The coordination of the various parts of the Department has not yet received enough attention.
In this paper, the regional features of regional geography and regional science, regional differentiation, spatial structure optimization and spatial interaction are used to study the regional characteristics of the main functional areas in Chongqing, and the core edge point axis composite structure model of the regional spatial structure in Chongqing is constructed, and the giant Chongqing city is studied by the spatial interaction model. The regional influence of the core city, using the location commercial law and the Gene coefficient method to study the overall difference of regional development in Chongqing, use the Pearson correlation analysis method to develop the comprehensive gap between counties and counties, and carry on the cluster analysis, use the ecological footprint model to calculate the difference of ecological carrying capacity between counties and counties, and further on the basis of the balance model of the main function area. In the end, the spatial interaction model and the spatial cluster analysis model are used to divide the districts and counties of Chongqing into different types.
The main results are as follows:
(1) the national level development strategy takes Chongqing as the polar nucleus of western development, the hub of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and one of the five metropolitan areas. The western region lays stress on building the Chengdu Chongqing Economic Zone, paying more attention to the construction of the reservoir area and the establishment of the minority mountain areas and carrying out the cross province cooperation; the Chongqing city level is fully dependent on the area level. The development foundation and potential of all districts and counties are developed, and the differences between districts and counties are met, and the development goals of urban core area, urban development area, urban development area, ecological conservation area and ecological protection area are put forward.
(2) the urban spatial economic influence of Chongqing can be divided into four grades. The first level is the strong influence area in the city. The influence of Chongqing is more than the sum of the influence of all other cities, including Liang Ping, Wanzhou, Shizhu, Youyang and the west of the total 24 districts; the second is the moderate influence area in the city, and the influence of Chongqing is more than the others. The average value of urban influence includes 7 counties, such as Xiushan, Fengjie, Kaixian and other counties; the third level is the strong influence area of the city, and the influence of Chongqing is more than all other cities, including Sichuan and Guizhou, and the 38 districts and counties of Hubei: the fourth level is the scope of the influence of Chongqing in the city outside the city, including the average value of other cities, including the influence of other cities. Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan and Hubei are 57 districts and counties.
(3) regional differences in Chongqing city. The spatial pattern of regional development, such as economic development, population and labor, infrastructure construction, land use and ecological carrying capacity, is superimposed, and the three level regional development pattern of "urban modern countryside and ecological two wings" is obtained: the first level is a city core composed of the strong development of the main city area. The heart area: the satellite city of the four district of the second level suburb, the Jiangbei characteristic agriculture, the Jiangnan mining tourism area, the Wanzhou sub center and the Qianjiang sub center; the third level is the Three Gorges Reservoir area and the southeastern characteristic industrial area in the northeast.
(4) the economic population ecological system of Chongqing has a high correlation. The test index of the coupling equation of the spatial distribution of economy and population is up to 0.99. Population, the spatial distribution of the economy and the distance fitting equation of the central Chongqing region, the test index is also up to 0.9: at the same time, the biological bearing capacity and the economic development degree are in the opposite direction. The nine district of the main city owns 67.96% of the city construction land in the city, and the 10 counties in the periphery have more than 60% forest grassland in the city. The city is composed of three parts: the core area of strong development, the ecologically fine periphery and the active development axis.
(5) Chongqing comprehensive development comprehensive zoning is the core area of urbanization, the expansion area of urbanization, the modern agricultural development zone, the ecological and agricultural area and the five regions of the forbidden Development Zone, and equipped with the interval development axis. The main functional areas are divided into three layers according to the optimized area, the fortified area and the cultivation area. According to this method, the districts and counties of Chongqing are divided into the districts and counties. It is the eleven main function type.
(6) from the market, population, land, investment, and ecological aspects, we put forward policy proposals for optimizing the spatial structure of regional co ordinating development.
Through the study of the above contents, the following conclusions can be drawn:
(1) the main function area is a region with complex elements with clear functional objectives. The main function area is a region composed of various elements of economy, population and ecology and the complex correlation between them. This complex association is the main cause of the functional differences between the main functional areas of Chongqing and the functional states between the districts and counties within the main work energy area. The difference between the target difference of the main function area and the regional resources is different and the function is different, so there are different needs of the regional management policy. The same main function area has no difference function target to put forward new requirements for the resource management and distribution in each district and county in the District, and coordinate the resources of the main function area, and promote the district and county to realize the main work work together. The overall regional development should take full account of the differences between the functional objectives of the main functional areas and the current situation of regional development, and to coordinate the regional resources, guide the rational flow of the population, form the level of regional economic development per capita, the level of per capita ecological development, and the function areas of the total social development level of the people. State.
(2) to co-ordinate the management of regional development through the main functional area is the new transformation of the current regional development strategy deployment. One is the objective existence of the development difference between the districts and counties within the main function area. It is necessary to coordinate the regional resources to promote the coordinated development of the districts and counties, and to achieve the functional objectives of the main functional areas, and the other is between the different main functional areas. The difference of function and target needs to co-ordinate regional resources to support each other, coordinate and coexist, ensure the sustainable development of the city's social economy on the basis of good ecological environment, and thirdly, the super development pole of the key development zone has the social and economic influence beyond the provincial boundary, and needs to expand the space and resources of regional service. Expanding to neighboring provinces or even farther, the scope of regional co ordination will expand correspondingly.
(3) the core edge spatial structure development model is the main feature of the regional development at the present stage of Chongqing. First, the supernormal development of the main city of Chongqing City, its service space has exceeded the provincial boundary significantly, the service population is several times the total population of the city, thus the main City has become the super development core of the city, and the secondary center of the city is growing. Secondly, the strategic cooperation space in the core area of the main city goes beyond the provincial boundary, reaches the central city in the neighbouring provinces, even further far from the economic polar nuclei, and is significantly different from the non core district of the city. The sub center of the city traffic trunk network is the first choice for the high efficiency land development in the marginal area, and also the core area of the main city to radiate the whole city space. In turn, the cities and towns in the city are growing along the traffic trunk lines, and they are the axis belts for the spatial structure development of the city. The supernormal scale and the existence of the development axis of the core area have become the leading factors of the spatial differences in the internal development of the main functional areas.
The innovative points of this paper are as follows:
(1) from the multilevel regional analysis, the inevitable logic of the formation of the spatial pattern of the main functional area through regional overall development is demonstrated. It is a new exploration of the regional research. This paper uses this idea to make an overall development plan for the optimization of the spatial structure of the main functional areas in Chongqing, and clarifies the achievement of the three types of main functional areas in the city of Chongqing. The policies and measures needed to achieve the goals provide a reference for Chongqing's regional management.
(2) under the framework of new economic geography, the core edge model of regional overall development in Chongqing is constructed, and the spatial structure of regional overall development in Chongqing is clarified, and the response of each district and county to the overall development of the region has been enriched under the overall requirement of the main function target, which enriches the practical connotation of the regional research theory.
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