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发布时间:2018-07-25 15:03
【摘要】:作为世界人口最多的国家,我国少年儿童群体也同样占世界儿童数量相当大的比重。儿童的健康发展直接关系到国家与民族的未来。户外游戏是儿童健康成长的重要途径之一,对儿童的身心成长和发展有着极其重要的地位和作用。游戏场地是儿童成长的重要物质基础,是儿童游戏的重要场所。通过游戏可以使儿童生理良好发育、心理得到健康发展。 随着我国经济和社会的不断发展以及我国城市化进程的不断深入,城市原有土地资源的利用也变得越来越紧张,使得儿童户外游戏空间不断被压缩。与此同时,现有城市儿童户外游戏场地也存在着一定问题,其中既有宏观规划布局方面的,也有微观设计层面的,需要引起社会及相关部门的重视。 本研究借鉴儿童心理学、认知心理学、环境心理学、园林学、生态学、人体工程学等不同学科的研究成果,从不同角度对儿童游戏场地空间布局进行探讨,并综合各学科对儿童及儿童游戏的研究成果,试图对我国城市公园中的儿童游戏场地空间布局进行分析与研究,以期为促进城市公园中儿童游戏场地建设的不断改进与提升,为城市儿童营造一个布局更加合理、设施更加良好的户外游戏空间而努力。 本课题在总结了国内外相关研究的基础上,以北京城市公园为基础,以北京城市公园儿童游戏场地为切入点,对北京城市公园儿童游戏场地空间布局进行了研究。本文调研了北京六城区城市公园儿童游戏场地的现状及布局情况,并分析了儿童游戏场地存在的问题以及从社会层面和游戏场地层面上对儿童游戏场地布局的影响因素,从而进一步对北京城市公园儿童游戏场地空间布局进行探讨和分析,并从儿童游戏场地空间布局形式、场地空间功能、景观元素运用、儿童游戏场地设施运用、场地安全设计以及典型案例分析几个方面对儿童游戏场地空间布局进行分析,进而总结出适合儿童游戏场地空间布局的优化原则与对策,以期为今后儿童游戏场地建设提供一定的借鉴和帮助。
[Abstract]:As the most populous country in the world, the group of children and children in China also accounts for a large proportion of the number of children in the world. The healthy development of children is directly related to the future of the country and the nation. Outdoor games are one of the important ways for the healthy growth of children, and play an extremely important role in the development and development of children. Place is an important material basis for children's growth and an important place for children's play.
With the continuous development of China's economy and society and the continuous deepening of China's urbanization process, the use of urban land resources has become more and more tense, making the children's outdoor game space continuously compressed. At the same time, there are some problems in the existing outdoor game sites for urban children, including both macro planning and layout. There are also micro-design aspects that need to be paid attention to by the society and relevant departments.
Based on the research results of children's psychology, cognitive psychology, environmental psychology, landscape architecture, ecology, and human engineering, this study discusses the spatial layout of children's games from different angles, and combines the research results of children and children's games in various disciplines and tries to play the playground for children in the urban parks of China. The space layout is analyzed and studied in order to promote the continuous improvement and promotion of the building of children's games in urban parks, and to create a more rational layout and better outdoor game space for urban children.
On the basis of the related research at home and abroad, based on Beijing City Park and taking the playground of children in Beijing City Park as the breakthrough point, this paper studies the space layout of children's game site in Beijing city park. This paper investigates the status and layout of children's game sites in the six urban parks of Beijing, and analyzes the situation of the layout of the playground of children in urban parks in Beijing. The problems existing in the playground of children and the influencing factors on the layout of children's games from the social level and the game site are further discussed and analyzed in the spatial layout of the children's games in Beijing City Park, and from the layout of the space, the function of the space, the use of the landscape elements and the children. The use of game site facilities, site safety design and typical case analysis of several aspects of children's game space layout analysis, and then summarize the optimization principles and countermeasures suitable for children's game space layout, in order to provide a reference and help for future children's game site construction.


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