[Abstract]:Rural public space is an important part of rural space, is the villagers to carry out daily outdoor activities, public activities of the space carrier, is the focus of villagers' social and public opinion. It involves many fields, such as politics, economy, culture and so on, and is an important field to construct a harmonious rural society. Under the profound influence of globalization and marketization, the rural society in southern Jiangsu has gradually moved towards opening up, from "acquaintance society" to "stranger society", from rural society based on moral ethics to modern society based on modern contract. From the mode of rural industrialization in southern Jiangsu since 1978, to the export-oriented economic development in rural areas of southern Jiangsu in the 1990s, to the policy of "three concentration, three replacement" since the new century and the construction of new socialist countryside, great changes have taken place in rural society in southern Jiangsu. Rural public space in southern Jiangsu has undergone several reconstructions with the transformation of rural society. From the angle of function and form evolution, this paper investigates the evolution characteristics and dynamic mechanism of rural public space in southern Jiangsu province. On the basis of analyzing the crisis of rural public space vitality and its root causes, it adapts to each other from the perspective of function and form. This paper discusses the strategies of reconstruction of rural public space in southern Jiangsu province from the perspective of organic renewal and rationalization of life world. The full text is divided into the following parts: to study the evolution and reconstruction of rural public space in southern Jiangsu province from the perspective of interdiscipline such as sociology anthropology political science and so on. First of all, based on the analysis and definition of basic concepts, the related research fields are summarized. Secondly, based on the historical dimension, from the perspective of functional transformation and the interactive reconstruction of rural public space, this paper analyzes and characterizes the evolution of rural public space in southern Jiangsu, and deeply excavates and discusses the essence of the decline of rural public space. Summing up and summing up the law of generation in rural public space and the relationship and characteristics between function and form, it is concluded that the impact of external factors on the world system of rural life leads to the change of function under its form. Continuous separation and recombination (three functional transformation and morphological reconstruction). Thirdly, combined with the relevant theoretical basis to construct the overall thinking of reconstruction of rural public space in southern Jiangsu, by referring to the mechanism of the evolution and development of rural public space, this paper puts forward relevant strategies for the reconstruction of "new form" of public space and expounds it concretely. Finally, taking Yujia Village in Suzhou as a case, the paper makes an empirical study, and puts forward the strategy of planning reconstruction in view of the main problems in public space.
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