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发布时间:2019-01-06 09:03
【摘要】:我国高速的城市化进程改变了土地原有的水文条件,在气候变暖的趋势下,许多城市面临洪涝灾害、环境水质污染和水资源缺乏等紧迫的现实问题。传统以排水、防洪为单一功能的市政工程基础设施,其规模建设多落后于城市发展,已无法应对日趋严峻的雨洪问题,并且缺乏在生态环境、雨水资源利用方面的价值。城市单纯依靠工程基础设施进行雨洪管理的方式需要加以转化。本文提出的基于雨洪管理的节约型园林绿地的设计方法,旨在从风景园林领域拓展我国雨洪管理的方式,对于城市可持续发展有积极意义。 论文先通过梳理雨洪管理的发展历程,分析出向园林绿地规划设计拓展的雨洪管理发展趋势,针对我国园林绿地建设的现状,提出在规划层面需基于自然水文过程,设计层面需将雨洪管理纳入设计的基本环节。 论文着重论述了基于雨洪管理的节约型园林绿地设计方法,即在城市园林绿地中进行雨水径流的滞留、渗透、传输、净化、调蓄利用的系统的设计方法,涉及四个层面。首先,梳理出该专项设计的流程,阐述了依据气象水文条件与立地条件进行雨水径流控制设计的步骤与方法。其次,归纳该专项设计所应用的径流控制技术设施,对设施的功能、工程结构、设计特征、规模计算、植被应用等层面进行说明。第三,阐述了基于雨洪管理的节约型园林绿地的设计途径,从雨水径流的滞留渗透、传输、受纳调蓄三个环节,深入论述径流控制技术设施与环境的整合方式。第四,针对与城市建成区紧密联系的公园绿地以及住区、学校、道路等附属绿地,探讨了不同类型的绿地在该专项设计层面应着重关注的要点。 论文以山西晋中社火公园为例,详细说明了实践项目中基于本地降雨条件、用地现状进行雨水径流控制设计的操作方式。 此外,论文附件中,针对北京地区,提出基于雨洪管理的节约型园林绿地的设计导则,包括总则、适用范围、设计原则、总体要求以及本地雨水径流控制的设计方法,列出了部分量化的设计要求。 本文通过基于雨洪管理的节约型园林绿地设计研究,以期拓展现有的设计观念,强化园林绿地中进行雨水径流水质、流量控制及雨水资源化利用的意识,推进我国节约型园林绿地的建设发展,从一定程度上缓解当前城市内涝、水质污染及水资源紧缺的现实问题。
[Abstract]:The rapid urbanization process of our country has changed the original hydrological conditions of the land. Under the trend of climate warming, many cities are faced with urgent practical problems such as flood disaster, environmental water pollution and lack of water resources. The traditional municipal engineering infrastructure with drainage and flood control as a single function, whose scale construction lags behind the urban development, can not cope with the increasingly severe problem of rain and flood, and lacks the value of ecological environment and rainwater resources utilization. The way of urban rain flood management based on engineering infrastructure needs to be transformed. The design method of saving garden green space based on rain flood management is put forward in this paper, which aims to expand the way of rain flood management in the field of landscape architecture in China, which is of positive significance for the sustainable development of cities. Firstly, through combing the development course of rain flood management, this paper analyzes the development trend of rain flood management which is extended to the landscape green space planning and design. In view of the present situation of landscape green space construction in China, it puts forward that the planning level should be based on the natural hydrological process. At the design level, rain flood management should be brought into the basic link of design. This paper mainly discusses the design method of saving garden green space based on rain flood management, that is, the systematic design method of Rain Water's runoff retention, infiltration, transmission, purification and storage and utilization in urban garden green space, which involves four levels. Firstly, the flow chart of this special design is sorted out, and the steps and methods of Rain Water runoff control design based on meteorological and hydrological conditions and site conditions are expounded. Secondly, the runoff control technical facilities used in the special design are summarized, and the functions, engineering structure, design features, scale calculation, vegetation application and other aspects of the facilities are explained. Thirdly, the design way of saving garden green space based on rain and flood management is expounded. From three aspects of Rain Water's runoff retention infiltration, transmission, acceptance and storage, the integration of runoff control technology and environment is discussed in depth. Fourthly, in view of the park green space which is closely related to the urban built-up area, as well as the subsidiary green space such as residential area, school, road and so on, this paper discusses the key points that should be paid attention to in the special design level of different types of green space. Taking Shanxi Jinzhong Social Fire Park as an example, the paper explains in detail the operation mode of Rain Water runoff control design based on local rainfall condition and land use status in the practical project. In addition, in the appendix of the paper, aiming at Beijing area, this paper puts forward the design guidelines of saving garden green space based on rain and flood management, including general principles, applicable scope, design principles, general requirements and the design method of local Rain Water runoff control. The design requirements of partial quantification are listed. Based on rainwater management, this paper studies the design of conservation-type garden green space, in order to expand the existing design concept and strengthen the consciousness of Rain Water runoff water quality, flow control and Rain Water resource utilization in garden green space. In order to promote the construction and development of conservation garden green space in China, the problems of urban waterlogging, water pollution and water resources shortage are alleviated to a certain extent.


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