本文关键词: 水利工程 沙漠渠道 沙基压实 渠床加固 防风固沙 生态保护 出处:《岩石力学与工程学报》2017年12期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:北疆供水工程由北向南纵贯准噶尔盆地,其中穿越古尔班通古特沙漠的明渠全长166.5 km。20世纪90年代,针对该建设工程,围绕渠道选线、沙基压实、渠床加固、防风固沙、生态环境保护等方面,采用理论研究、技术开发、试验示范,采取科学试验和工程实践相结合的方法,结合12 a的安全运行和动态监测,经过系统分析与评估,总结出一套针对沙漠地区明渠建设的集成技术与方法:(1)采用"渠、林、路集中条带布置"的"平台"建设模式,具有对沙漠扰动小,机械化施工效率高,便于运行管理的优点;(2)渠床风积沙和砂砾石垫层"沙 砂水平同起"干碾压实技术,解决了沙漠地区缺水条件下土料压实以及渠道边坡2种不同特性土料同时压实的技术难题;(3)集成创新了机械固沙与生物治沙技术,充分利用沙漠悬湿沙层土壤水分,建成了110 km无灌溉生物防沙带,构建了防风固沙 减速沉沙 阶梯拦沙的多梯次综合防沙技术体系;(4)结合生物治沙,沿渠道两侧构筑了人工植被修复景观,建设野生动物迁徙通道,改善饮水条件,增加了区域生物多样性,在沙漠中形成了一条绿色生态走廊。
[Abstract]:The north Xinjiang water supply project runs through Junggar Basin from north to south, in which the open canal crossing the Gulban Tungut Desert is 166.5 km.20 in length in 90s. In view of the construction project, the route selection is centered around the channel. In the aspects of sand foundation compaction, canal bed reinforcement, wind and sand fixation, ecological environment protection and so on, the methods of theoretical research, technical development, test demonstration and combination of scientific test and engineering practice are adopted. Combined with 12 years of safe operation and dynamic monitoring, through systematic analysis and evaluation, a set of integrated techniques and methods for open canal construction in desert area were summarized. The "platform" construction mode of road centralized strip arrangement has the advantages of small disturbance to desert, high efficiency of mechanized construction and convenient operation and management. (2) dry compaction technology of wind-accumulated sand in canal bed and "sand and sand level" in gravel cushion. The technical problems of soil compaction and channel slope compaction are solved under the condition of water shortage in desert area. The technology of mechanical sand fixation and biological sand control has been integrated and innovated, and the 110 km non-irrigated biological sand control zone has been built by making full use of the soil moisture in the suspended sand layer of the desert. The technology system of multi-echelon comprehensive sand control is constructed, which can slow down the sedimentation of sand and block the sand. Combined with biological sand control, artificial vegetation restoration landscape was constructed along both sides of the canal, wildlife migration channels were constructed, drinking water conditions were improved, and regional biodiversity was increased. A green ecological corridor was formed in the desert.
【作者单位】: 新疆额尔齐斯河流域开发工程建设管理局;新疆伊犁河流域工程建设管理局;新疆水利水电规划设计管理局;中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所;
【正文快照】: 新疆北疆供水工程穿越准噶尔盆地的古尔班通古特沙漠,全长900余千米,其中沙漠明渠总长166.5 km,属大型长距离供水工程,为天山北坡经济带提供了重要的水资源保障,对区域可持续发展具有十分重大的战略意义。工程沿线是绵延起伏的固定、半固定沙漠,沙层最大厚度达200 m,地下水埋
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