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发布时间:2018-02-01 22:33

  本文关键词: 辽河流域 管理体制 府际关系 大部制 出处:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Liaohe River is one of the most important inland rivers in China. It flows through Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Jilin and Liaoning provinces and regions. In 1996, it was listed as "three rivers and three lakes" by the State Council. In end of 2012, the Liaohe River removed the hat of heavy pollution. At present, there are two main management agencies of Liaohe River, one is the Songliao Water Conservancy Committee, the dispatched agency of the Ministry of Water Resources in Northeast China. The second is the Liaoning Liaohe Reserve Administration Bureau, however, these two management institutions in the Liaohe River management has many limitations. At present, there are many problems in the management system of Liaohe river basin: first, the management organization is duplicated, and the responsibility and power are not clear; Second, the lack of legal basis, the positioning is not clear; Third, regional conflicts of interest, full of contradictions; Fourth, emphasis on river treatment, the effect is not good; Fifth, the management style is backward, the lack of talent. These problems seriously restrict the Liaohe River basin management work. There are many successful watershed management at home and abroad. The management experience can be used for reference. The unified watershed management organization of Heihe River Basin, the application of information technology in watershed management, the innovation of project management mode, and the establishment of comprehensive administrative laws and regulations of Taihu Basin. Watershed management rose to national strategy, "public energy field" in the Murray Darling basin in Australia, hierarchy and market mechanisms, citizen participation mechanism, and streamlined and efficient management institutions of the Rhine River basin in Germany. The guarantee mechanism of transnational legislation, information notification and expected mechanism provide important reference for the improvement of Liaohe river basin management system, and solve the existing problems of Liaohe river basin management system. Drawing lessons from the experience of watershed management at home and abroad, based on the theory of inter-governmental relations, the principle of "large watershed" governance and the relevant requirements of the reform of the Ministry system. The following five countermeasures are put forward to perfect the management system of Liaohe River basin. One is to set up innovative institutions to form cross-regional basin management institutions and gradually establish integrated watershed management institutions from the two levels of local and national levels; The second is to strengthen the legislation of river basin and form the legislative system of integrated management of river basin; The third is to improve the relationship between government and government, to guide the development of the river basin under the guidance of the large department system, and to pay attention to the balance between the quality of the reform and the number of personnel in the system reform so as to avoid more and more reform. Fourth, we should innovate the development model, expand the scope of system reform, carry out large-scale watershed development, and attract social funds into environmental protection by widening the channels of financing. Fifth, it is necessary to innovate the management mode, break through the system to recruit talents adapted to the management of large watersheds, widen the ways of recruiting talents and improve the management effectiveness through the way of "separation of management and maintenance" in watersheds.


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