本文选题:水功能区 + 评价体系 ; 参考:《太原理工大学》2016年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文将山西省水功能区达标考核评价体系作为研究对象,针对山西省各级水功能区的特点,从水质、水量、水生态三个方面,提出了不同水功能区达标评价指标体系、评价标准和评价方法,构建了水功能区达标综合评价体系,并以此为基础,引入基于服务水资源时空信息管理理念和水功能区信息数据云服务思想,运用SERVERGIS技术、时态GIS、RIA、REST等新技术,设计开发了基于服务的山西省水功能区达标考核评价系统。本文提出的山西省水功能区达标考核评价体系中,水质评价指标包括基本指标和特征指标,水量指标包括生态基流和敏感生态需水,水生态指标包括水生植物多样性指数、水生动物多样性指数和水生保护物种的存活状况。水质评价方法在对比分析了多种评价方法的基础上,提出了基于层次分析法的模糊综合评价方法;生态基流采用Tennant法,敏感生态需水使用生态需水满足程度来表示;水生植物多样性指数用Sinpson多样性指数和Shannon Winer多样性指数来表示,水生动物多样性指数采用Shannon Weaver多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Margalef物种丰富度指数来进行评价计算,水生保护物种的存活状况此次采用的是专家法进行评价。水质、水量、水生态三方面评级指标均达标则水功能区达标,否则视为不达标。本文研发的基于服务的山西省水功能区达标考核评价系统,以Arc GIS Server为GIS二次开发平台,利用富客户端技术Flex进行前端开发。将基于服务的水资源时空信息管理理念和水功能区信息数据云服务思想引入该系统之中,以SERVERGIS技术、时态GIS、RIA、REST等新技术为支撑开发基于服务的达标考核评价系统平台。该系统在水功能区达标考核评价、水质变化趋势分析、矢量要素在线编辑等功能方面得到了扩展;并且基于服务的设计,水功能区信息实现了跨空间、跨平台的数据共享,为将来该体系与其他系统的融合提供了可能,同时也减少了系统重复构建造成的资源浪费。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the evaluation system of water function area in Shanxi Province is studied. According to the characteristics of water function area at all levels in Shanxi Province, the evaluation index system of different water function area is put forward from three aspects: water quality, water quantity and water ecology. The evaluation criteria and methods are used to construct a comprehensive evaluation system for water function areas. Based on this, the concept of space-time information management of water resources and the idea of cloud service of information data in water function areas are introduced, and the SERVERGIS technology is used. Based on the new techniques such as temporal GIS-RIAST, a service based assessment system for water function areas in Shanxi Province has been designed and developed. The water quality evaluation index includes basic index and characteristic index, water quantity index includes ecological basic flow and sensitive ecological water demand, and aquatic ecological index includes aquatic plant diversity index. Aquatic animal diversity index and survival of aquatic protected species. On the basis of comparing and analyzing many evaluation methods, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is put forward, the ecological basic flow is expressed by Tennant method, and the sensitive ecological water demand is expressed by the degree of ecological water demand. The aquatic plant diversity index is expressed by Sinpson diversity index and Shannon Winer diversity index, and the aquatic animal diversity index is evaluated by Shannon Weaver diversity index, Pielou evenness index and Margalef species richness index. The survival of aquatic protected species is evaluated by expert method. If the water quality, quantity and ecology are all up to the standard, the water function area will meet the standard, otherwise it will be regarded as not up to the standard. In this paper, the evaluation system of Shanxi water function area based on service is developed. The GIS secondary development platform is Arc GIS Server and the rich client technology Flex is used to develop the front end of the system. The concept of water resources space-time information management based on service and the idea of information cloud service in water function area are introduced into the system. Based on the new technologies, such as SERVERGIS technology and temporal GIS rest, a service-based assessment system platform is developed. The system has been extended in the aspects of water function area standard assessment, water quality trend analysis, vector element online editing and so on, and based on the design of service, the information of water function area can be shared across space and platform. It provides the possibility for the future integration of the system and other systems, and also reduces the waste of resources caused by the repeated construction of the system.
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