本文选题:沟渠 + 生态景观化设计 ; 参考:《四川农业大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development and construction of the integration of urban and rural areas, more and more ditches begin to pass through the cities and towns with the rapid development and construction of the integration of urban and rural areas, which not only bear the traditional functions of irrigation and drainage, but also have the protection of the ecological ring. It provides ecological functions such as green space, and has social functions such as leisure, entertainment and landscape. The existing ditch projects are mainly aimed at economic saving, structural safety, high efficiency and convenient management, and lack of landscape, ecology and humanistic consideration, resulting in the deterioration of the natural environment in the canal and the reduction and even extinction of the biological species. Active ditches are carried out. The technical improvement and optimization of the ecological landscape function and the building of ecological, landscape, economic and functional urban ecological landscape trenches are especially urgent and necessary. It has become a hot research topic at present, and has important theoretical and practical significance. In this paper, the ecological environment deterioration is ignored in the design and construction of the existing ditch and canal project. On the basis of theoretical analysis, experimental research, optimization design and application demonstration, the optimization design scheme and system of urban ecological landscape canal were put forward, and a series of key technologies were studied. First, the situation that the animal could not jump out of the canal and lead to the death situation, the frog was selected as an animal sample to carry out the exercise test. The maximum vertical slope height, the maximum slope slope and the ecological plate slope can be climbed out. The data obtained from the experiment provide a scientific basis for the ecological design of the ditch. Secondly, based on the research data at home and abroad, the experimental results, and the comprehensive factors such as the conditions of the project area and the functional requirements, and so on. Function, ecology, landscape, humanities and other factors to optimize the design of the ditch. Third, the research results are applied to the construction of the ecological landscape canal project in Lushan County, which coordinate the production, ecological, landscape, life and other functional requirements of the ditch. The main achievements are as follows: (1) the design of a slow gradient of the trapezoid section so that the animals can jump smoothly and so on. In order to plant the aquatic plants and provide the living space for the animals, the ecological bridge should be built so that the animals can go through the channel freely. (4) ecological slope protection to prevent soil erosion and maintain the original ecological environment; and set green belts for planting plants to reach the beauty. With the purpose of changing the environment; (6) configuring the pavilion, seat, street lamp, staircase and other leisure, convenient people and hydrophilic accessory facilities to facilitate the leisure and entertainment of the residents. This article will integrate the fields of farmland water conservancy, ecology, biology, landscape and environment, and systematically coordinate regional ecology, landscape function demand, urbanization development and traditional ditches. On the basis of this, a new model of urban ecological landscape canal design has been constructed. On the basis of meeting the requirements of water transport efficiency in the ditch, it has solved the previous channel planning well. In the design and construction, it only pays attention to the water transport efficiency, neglects the ecological function and the environmental deterioration in the canal, and has achieved good economic, ecological and environmental benefits, and has a broad application prospect. It is conducive to promoting the development of ditches and water conservancy facilities in the direction of ecological, landscape and sustainable utilization.
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