发布时间:2018-06-07 19:35
本文选题:玛纳斯河流域 + 可持续利用 ; 参考:《石河子大学》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:水资源是人类赖以生存和发展的基础自然资源,水资源的不可替代性和稀缺性还决定了其也是战略性经济资源。人口的迅速增长和经济社会的快速发展对水资源的需求不断增加,水资源已经演变为当代社会的“瓶颈”,严重地制约着一个地区、国家乃至全球的发展。水资源问题已经成为21世纪全世界普遍关注的首要资源环境问题。在人类生活中,大肆开采、破坏水资源,最终出现全球性的水资源污染问题和水资源短缺等问题。为了解决这些问题,提高人民群众生活水平,保证生态环境、资源和社会经济系统的协调发展,必须寻找一种新的发展观念和模式,可持续发展成为一种必然的选择。水资源可持续利用是可持续发展框架下水资源的利用方式,是国民经济和社会可持续发展的重要保障。 玛纳斯河流域处于新疆天山北坡中段、准噶尔盆地南缘,是新疆和西北干旱地区具有代表性的内陆河流域。玛纳斯河流域已被开垦为新疆最大的绿洲农耕区和我国第四大灌溉农业区,流域自然环境特点、结构和绿洲社会经济发展在新疆均具有典型的代表性。玛纳斯河流域内包含以下六个行政区:昌吉州的玛纳斯县、塔城地区的沙湾县、石河子市、兵团第八师、第六师的新湖总场以及克拉玛依市的小拐乡。流域已经成为新疆天山北坡经济带最活跃的区域之一,流域水资源的开发利用促进了经济的快速发展,提高了当地人民生活水平;但在水资源利用中农业用水比例大,工业用水、生活用水被农业用水挤占,为发展工业和满足生活需求,生态用水又被工业、生活用水挤占,水资源供需矛盾问题日趋突出。流域内产生了区域地下水位下降、植被退化、河流断流、土地沙漠化、土地板结和盐碱化等生态问题,威胁着流域的可持续发展,已危及当地人们的生存。如何合理利用水资源以达到人—水—生态和谐发展是流域可持续发展的核心。针对目前研究的不足,将虚拟水加入玛河流域水资源可持续利用研究中,从水资源管理制度、产业结构优化和其他方面提出一些对策和建议,以期为流域水资源可持续利用提供一些有价值的思考。 本文首先对玛纳斯河流域概况进行了介绍,对玛纳斯河流域的自然环境、社会经济发展概况等进行了介绍,对水资源现状、水利工程现状和水资源利用现状进行了分析。然后对玛河流域水资源可持续利用水平进行了评价,评价指标体系从水资源系统、社会经济系统和生态环境系统三方面构建,并在水资源系统中引入虚拟水,对水资源通过实体水和虚拟水两方面进行综合评价。根据评价结果对玛河流域水资源可持续利用中存在的问题进行了总结,进一步定量和定性分析了影响水资源可持续利用的影响因素。在借鉴国内外研究经验的基础上,提出了玛河流域水资源可持续利用的制度优化及对策。 本文的主要结论如下:(1)玛纳斯河流域水资源利用结构不合理,农业用水比重过高,水资源管理中存在多龙管水,河道被分割管理,逐利行为,缺少民主参与,农业水价低、不能补偿供水成本等问题。(2)玛河流域水资源可持续利用水平逐渐下降,构建的评价指标体系得分逐年下降,指标体系中虚拟水输出量权重最高,说明虚拟水对玛河流域水资源可持续利用有较大影响。流域内主要农作物虚拟水含量中棉花最高、蔬菜最低,作物单位虚拟水含量逐步下降,但总的虚拟水含量在增加,也即流域内大量的水资源通过虚拟水的方式输送出去,对水资源可持续利用产生较大压力。(3)影响玛河流域水资源可持续利用的主要因素包括:虚拟水输出量、三次产业结构与农业内部结构、污水处理率,水权管理制度、水价管理制度和水资源管理体制。(4)水资源管理制度是影响流域水资源可持续利用的重要因素,水权的界定和分配是实现水资源可持续利用的基础,玛河流域水权分配的优先序为:生活用水、生态用水和生产用水。新型的水价管理机制是实现水资源可持续管理的另一个途径,按照农业、工业、生活、绿化用水设立不同的水价,并实行季节差价等价格浮动机制;流域内农业水价过低,,在农户承受范围内逐步提高农业水价是有效的经济手段。玛河流域地处兵团和地方,涉及兵地矛盾,流域水资源管理中存在管理机构与行政区域机构以及行政区域内其他涉水部门的矛盾,借鉴国内外的经验,在现阶段实行流域管理与区域管理紧密结合的方式,进一步加强沟通和协调。当条件成熟时可以参考田纳西河流域的管理,考虑建立综合性的玛河流域管理委员会。(5)影响玛河流域水资源可持续利用的另一个重要因素是产业结构,目前流域内农业比重过大,农业又是用水大户,通过优化三次产业结构可以实现水资源的合理配置,流域内应进一步降低农业比重,提高二产和三产的比重。虚拟水的输出是水资源系统中指标权重最大的因素,因此基于虚拟水对流域内农业结构进行优化可以实现水资源的可持续利用。 由于能力有限,本文还存在很多不足之处:由于数据搜集困难,仅选取了每隔5年一个时期的数据,数据不具有连续性;在对流域内主要畜产品虚拟水测算时由于计算数据难获取,借鉴了其他学者的研究成果,可能与流域内结果有一定差异;水资源可持续利用指标选取中考虑到可操作性部分有效的指标并未入选;由于理论基础有所欠缺,对水资源可持续利用的制度分析深度不够,有待加深。
[Abstract]:Water resources are the basic natural resources for the survival and development of human beings . The non - substitutability and scarcity of water resources also decide that they are also strategic economic resources . The rapid growth of the population and the rapid development of the economy and society have made the demand for water resources increasing . The problem of water resources has become the primary resource environmental problem that the whole world pays attention to in the 21st century . In order to solve these problems and to guarantee the harmonious development of the ecological environment , the resources and the social and economic system , it is necessary to find a new development concept and pattern , and the sustainable development becomes a necessary choice . The sustainable use of water resources is an important guarantee for the sustainable development of the national economy and society .
Manas River Basin is located in the middle section of the Northern Slope of Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang . The southern margin of Junggar Basin is a representative inland river basin in the arid areas of Xinjiang and Northwest China . The Manas River Basin has been cultivated as one of the most active areas in Xinjiang and the fourth - largest irrigated agriculture area of China . The basin has become one of the most active areas in the northern slope of Xinjiang Tianshan Mountains . The basin has become one of the most active areas in the northern slope of Xinjiang Tianshan Mountains . The development and utilization of water resources in the basin has promoted the rapid development of the economy and improved the living standards of the local people .
This paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the sustainable use of water resources management system , industrial structure optimization and other aspects , with a view to providing some valuable thinking for the sustainable use of water resources in the basin .
This paper introduces the general situation of Manas River Basin , introduces the natural environment and social and economic development of Manas River Basin , and analyses the present situation of water resources , the current situation of water conservancy projects and the utilization of water resources . The paper summarizes the problems existing in the sustainable utilization of water resources in the water resources system from the aspects of water resources system , social economic system and ecological environment system .
The main factors affecting the sustainable use of water resources in the basin include : virtual water output , tertiary industry structure , agricultural internal structure , sewage treatment rate , water rights management system , water price management system and water resources management system .
The agricultural water price in the river basin is too low , and it is an effective economic means to gradually raise the agricultural water price within the scope of the farmer ' s acceptance .
Due to the limited ability , there are many deficiencies in this paper : due to the difficulty of data gathering , only every five years of data is selected , and the data has no continuity ;
In the calculation of the virtual water of the main livestock products in the basin , it may be different from the results of other scholars because of the difficulty in obtaining the data and drawing on the research results of other scholars .
The index of sustainable utilization of water resources takes into account that the operative part of the index is not selected ;
Due to the lack of theoretical foundation , the systematic analysis of sustainable utilization of water resources is not enough and needs to be deepened .