本文选题:倒虹吸管 + 水力特性 ; 参考:《青海大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, based on the inverted siphon project of Yishenggou in the second phase of Yenshenggu Project, the whole model of inverted siphon is numerically simulated under the design working condition by using professional fluid calculation software fluent, and its hydraulic characteristics are analyzed. Secondly, the coupling interface between fluent and Abaqus is established by MPCCI platform, and the three-dimensional model of inverted siphon at the bottom of pipe is calculated by using finite element software. The stress and strain characteristics of the inverted siphon at the bottom of the pipe are analyzed. The main results are as follows: (1) the maximum water level of the inlet and outlet section is 2712.8m and 2705.8m, respectively. The calculated head loss value is very close to the theoretical calculation result. The relative error is 4.1. (2) the maximum flow velocity of the inlet section is 9.6m/s located at the exhaust hole position of the inlet section, the maximum velocity of the tube axis is 1.9 m / s, and the maximum velocity of velocity decreases to 1.3 m / s near the pipe wall, and the maximum velocity of the inverted siphon tube or bend section deviates from the axis of the pipe. The maximum pressure of 2.72 MPA is located at the bottom of inverted siphon. (3) there are air bags in the top of inverted siphon 2# section during water level rise, which can not be discharged by itself. (4) the static calculation results of inverted siphon at the bottom of the pipe structure show that the maximum stress appears at the top and bottom of the junction between the piers and the pipe with a value of 13.2 MPA, and the maximum displacement appears vertically down at the middle position between the pipe and the pier. The numerical results show that there is a strong vibration in the initial stage of the pipe. The maximum stress during the period is 95.3MPa, the maximum displacement is 0.084m, the maximum stress after stabilization is 76.4MPa and the maximum displacement is 0.004m.The modal analysis results show that the minimum resonance frequency of the pipeline is 1.6071 Hz.
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