本文选题:沙河市 + 小型水库 ; 参考:《河北科技大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In this huge and complex system of the water conservancy industry, small reservoirs are one of its components, and they account for a considerable proportion, and they are also the key infrastructure for agriculture, rural areas, and farmers' problems. It has played a very important role in preventing land desertification and carrying out drought-resistant service, improving the production and living conditions of the broad masses of the people and ensuring the development of local economy and society. Most of the small reservoirs in our country exist in the poor mountainous areas. Due to the shortage of environment, transportation, science and technology, the sustainable development of reservoirs in China is restricted. How to use their own resources for sustainable development has become an important issue in the small reservoirs in poor areas. The author makes use of the practical experience of sustainable utilization of small reservoirs in Shahe area of Xingtai, and studies the development model of this kind of reservoir. First of all, the theoretical research on small reservoir management at home and abroad is combed by the method of literature investigation and induction, and the preliminary planning of domestic small reservoir management is studied by using the method of comparative study, which is based on local conditions, scientific management, and management according to law. Ecological water conservancy and other common features. Secondly, taking the small reservoir in Xingtai Shahe City as a whole, the problems and development trend of the small reservoir in Xingtai Shahe City are analyzed from the two aspects of macro and micro level, reservoir infrastructure and reservoir management. Thirdly, on the basis of theoretical research and problem analysis, this paper puts forward the management mode of sustainable development of small reservoirs in Xingtai Shahe city, including separation of custody and maintenance, grasping resources, protecting resources and developing resources. The management model is composed of six elements of investment diversification and environmental protection, agricultural ecological breeding model, fish and goose ecological mixed culture model, reservoir ecological leisure tourism integration model. Finally, from the following six aspects: comprehensively reforming the management system of rural reservoir projects, cultivating high-quality managers, perfecting reservoir engineering facilities, strengthening engineering management, transforming and perfecting reservoir management in an ecological direction, perfecting reservoir virtuous cycle, etc. The operation mechanism of small reservoir in Xingtai Shahe City is studied.
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