本文选题:信息技术(IT) + 水资源管理 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:为推动最严格水资源管理制度的实施和促进节能减排和节水型社会建设的进一步发展,为保障吉林市供水安全,带动吉林市水资源信息化实现跨越式发展,提高吉林市水资源管理水平和效率,2012年《吉林市城市水资源实时监控与管理系统》正式投入建设,本论文根据此项建设任务编制完成。 论文通过介绍国内外相关系统的建设情况,充分借鉴先进经验,以吉林市城区水资源管理系统建设为例,从信息化技术在该系统中的应用为切入点,探讨了一种基于信息化技术的水资源管理系统建设模式。 吉林市区水资源管理系统以网络通信技术、地理信息系统、数据库技术、监测技术、相关数学模型、计算机软件技术等现代化手段为一体,以水资源业务应用为核心,为吉林市水资源管理提供支持,能够为吉林市水行政主管部门更好地履行水资源管理职责,实现水资源优化配置、高效利用和科学保护目标提供支撑。 论文首先介绍吉林市区的基本概况和水资源监测现状,通过需求分析从系统、用户、业务、功能、性能、安全和信息量等方面分析系统建设需求,针对需求提出了合理的建设方案。具体介绍了系统框架设计、监测系统设计、水质监测、水位监测、水量监测等内容,明确监测对象、监测点位置、监测点数量,,明确各类信息化设备的指标要求和设备组成。 论文以可持续发展的水资源配置理论为基础,实现吉林市区设水资源联合调度,主要从需水、供水和节水等方面进行分析论证,在水资源共需平衡分析基础上进行水资源配置,提出合理的水资源配置方案和建议。 论文从吉林市水资源管理业务实际需求出发,充分整合现有资源,以业务管理为核心,调配决策支持和应急管理为亮点,构建符合吉林市水资源管理需求的应用软件系统。为吉林市水资源合理开发利用和经济的可持续发展提供决策依据。
[Abstract]:In order to promote the implementation of the strictest water resources management system and the further development of energy-saving and emission reduction and water-saving society construction, to ensure the safety of water supply in Jilin City and to promote the development of water resources informatization in Jilin City by leaps and bounds, In order to improve the level and efficiency of water resources management in Jilin City, the "Real time Monitoring and Management system of Water Resources in Jilin City" was formally put into construction in 2012. This paper introduces the construction of related systems at home and abroad, and takes the construction of water resources management system in Jilin city as an example, starting with the application of information technology in this system. This paper discusses the construction mode of water resources management system based on information technology. The water resources management system of Jilin urban area is composed of modern means, such as network communication technology, geographic information system, database technology, monitoring technology, relevant mathematical model, computer software technology, etc., and takes water resources business application as the core. It can provide support for Jilin city water resources management department to perform water resources management duties, realize water resources optimal allocation, efficient utilization and scientific protection objectives. Firstly, the paper introduces the basic situation of Jilin urban area and the current situation of water resources monitoring, and analyzes the system construction requirements from the aspects of system, user, business, function, performance, security and information quantity through demand analysis. According to the demand, a reasonable construction plan is put forward. The system frame design, monitoring system design, water quality monitoring, water level monitoring, water quantity monitoring and so on are introduced in detail. The monitoring object, the location of monitoring points, the number of monitoring points, the index requirements and equipment composition of all kinds of information equipment are defined. Based on the theory of water resources allocation of sustainable development, this paper realizes the joint dispatch of water resources in Jilin urban area, mainly from the aspects of water demand, water supply and water saving, and carries out water resources allocation on the basis of the analysis of water resources' total need balance. Put forward reasonable water resources allocation plan and suggestion. Based on the actual demand of water resources management in Jilin City, this paper fully integrates the existing resources, takes business management as the core, allocates decision support and emergency management as the highlight, and constructs an application software system that meets the needs of water resources management in Jilin City. It provides decision basis for rational exploitation and utilization of water resources and sustainable development of economy in Jilin City.
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