本文选题:招标系统 + 证据理论 ; 参考:《湖北工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Bidding has become the most important task of water conservancy projects at home and abroad. With the study of tender, the risk is more and more obvious in the whole bidding system. More and more managers attach importance to how to effectively avoid the risk of water conservancy project bidding. In order to evaluate the bidding risk of water conservancy project accurately and master the evaluation method of bidding risk of water conservancy project, the author evaluates the bidding risk of water conservancy project on the basis of studying the present situation of bidding at home and abroad. Firstly, the connotation of the risk evaluation of water conservancy bidding system is defined, and the evaluation method of risk is compared and analyzed, and the D-S evidence theory can effectively reduce the uncertainty and is suitable for evaluating the risk of water conservancy bidding system. Combined with the specific bidding process, the environmental risk factors, the constitutional factors and the professional ethics risk factors are determined, and the weight of each risk index is determined. Then, it is determined that the factors affecting each subsystem are social unrest, cultural differences, exchange rate changes, economic situation, degree of legal perfection, policy change, hydrological conditions, geological conditions, climatic conditions, contracting methods, contract types, bidding methods, Tender documents, bid evaluation methods, bid evaluation organization, degree of contract perfection, risk allocation, responsibility of tendering units, fairness of bidding units, credibility of bidding agencies, credit of bidding units, and malicious bidding by tenderers, According to the characteristics of the bidding system of the Beiheqiao sluice reconstruction project in Jieyang City, 24 risk evaluation indexes are determined by the mutual determination of the credibility of the tenderer, the weight of the subsystem and the evaluation index are determined in turn by the comprehensive use of the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The risk evaluation model of bidding system based on D-S evidence theory is constructed to determine the risk level of the system. Finally, in combination with the engineering practice of the bidding system for the reconstruction project of Beiheqiao sluice in Jieyang City, six experts are consulted, and the probability distribution function of the evaluation index is obtained after the trust degree treatment, and the risk grade of each index is determined by combining the evidence. The weighted iteration determines the risk grade of each subsystem, and finally determines that the risk level of the bidding system for the reconstruction project of Beiheqiao sluice in Jieyang City is 3R, that is, there are general problems in the bidding system and timely rectification, which accords with the actual situation of the bidding system. The validity and rationality of the evaluation model are verified, which is useful for other similar projects.
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