[Abstract]:The river channel in the plain area is especially the small and medium river. The capillary channel is destroyed by human production and life, and the natural ecology is destroyed. It has many negative effects. It is manifested in the serious pollution of the water, the attenuation of water and even the dry, the decline of the structure and stability of the riverbed, the degradation of the ecological function of the riverside zone, the diversity of river habitats and the living things. The ecological environment of the rural river is not optimistic, and the ecological environment of the rural river is not optimistic. In addition, the improvement of the living standard of the people, the improvement of the river is more and more demanding, and the comprehensive renovation of the rural river is urgently needed to improve the living environment. This paper selects the typical area as the research area. The AHP- comprehensive index evaluation method was used to construct the diagnosis system of small and medium river channel in plain area, which was based on natural structure health, ecosystem health and social service status. The ecological problems of small and medium river channels in Suzhou were diagnosed. According to the results of the diagnosis, the ecological bank, ecological floating bed, ecological wetland and sediment dredging were put forward. Ecological remediation technologies such as ecological water supplement and water system, and the characteristics of ecological remediation technologies are studied and analyzed from three aspects of the physical and chemical indexes of water quality, the degradation coefficient of each pollutant and the amount of plankton. On the basis of this, the ecological remediation schemes, such as ecological water supplement, communication water system and various ecological restoration techniques, are drawn up. The main conclusions of the paper are as follows: (1) in the rural middle and small river diagnosis system in the plain area, the ecological system is healthy in the standard layer and the weight of the ecological water requirement of the river channel is the largest in the index layer; the degree of channel channelization, the living condition of rare water biology, and the water resources The development utilization rate, the water landscape comfort level is in the morbid level; the overall level of health of the small and medium river channels in the rural areas of Suzhou is between subhealth and health, of which the natural structure is healthy, the ecosystem is healthy, the social service condition is in the morbid subhealth, subhealth health and subhealth health level. (2) from the physical and chemical indexes of water quality, each of them The COD and BOD5 representing the water body of the river section are between 25~40mg/L and 4.0~9.0mg/L, respectively, and are not treated? Block bank protection, ecological revetment, sediment dredging, ecological floating bed, ecological wetland, DO between 2.0~6.0mg/L, ecological floating bed, sediment dredging, ecological revetment and non control; NH3-N, TP, TU are in 0.6~2.4mg/L, 0.10~, respectively. Between 0.35mg/L and 5.0~56.0NTU, and untreated? Block bank protection, ecological revetment, ecological floating bed, ecological wetland? Sediment dredging. (3) from the degradation coefficient of pollutants, the ecological wetland of each representative River, ecological floating bed, ecological revetment, untreated, block bank, sediment dredging, KBOD5: ecological wetland, ecological floating bed, ecological revetment, and untreated KNH3-N: ecological wetland? Ecological wetland? Ecological revetment? Ecological floating bed? Block bank? Bottom mud dredging? No control; KTP: ecological wetland? Ecological floating bed? Sediment dredging? Ecological revetment? Block bank protection. (4) plankton population category representing river water: ecological floating bed, wooden pile + natural protection Shore? Ecological revetment? Block revetment? Sediment dredging; plankton density: wood pile + natural slope protection? Ecological floating bed? Ecological revetment? Block bank? Sediment dredging; Margalef diversity index: ecological floating bed? Wood pile + natural revetment? Ecological revetment? Block bank? Sediment dredging. (5) the distance from the channel section to the water supplement. Time, water flow direction, water supplement flow, water filling port position and the number of water supplement have a certain influence on the metabolic rate of water body. Among them, the Yao Tai River sluice is used as water supplement, 5m3/s is the water supplement scale (scheme 1-3) and the stone road sluice, the Yao Tai River Gate is the water supplement port, 2 m3/s and 3 m3/s are the water supplement scale (scheme 3-7), and the water replenishing water body is in the water body. The average metabolic rates were 46.3% and 51.3% respectively. The metabolic rate of the average metabolic rate in the water supplement 80h was 96.9% and 97.7%. (6), respectively. The overall metabolic rate of the river network was higher than that before the water system planning. The average metabolic rate of the water system before and after the planning of the water system was 46.3% and 38.1% (7), respectively, when the Yoda river gate was used as a replenishment port and 5 m3/s as a supplement of water. The minimum ecological water demand and the ecological flow rate of the river channel were between 1.41~4.05m3/s and 0.40~0.54m/s, respectively, and the water supplement of the stone road sluice, the Yao Tai River Sluice and the Ma Zhuang Gangzha were supplemented with water. When the flow rate of water is 3m3/s, the average value of flow and flow rate of river network is 1.76m3/s, 0.47m/s, which meets the ecological demand of the river. It has good effect on improving the hydrodynamic and ecological water requirement of the river network. According to the results of the flow and flow rate of the water supplement scheme, it is suggested that the water supplement can be supplementing from multiple water filling ports when the water supplement scheme is selected. Water can make the river course of each area of the river network reach the minimum water requirement, and the flow rate should not be too large. (8) considering the complementation of the ecological restoration technology, the COD average value of the whole restoration process is compared to the previous year after 9 months of restoration of ecological restoration and dredging, compared with the previous year. The decrease of 14.6%, DO rise 26.1%, BOD5 decline 21.5%, and NH3-N drop 18.6%. After the combined restoration scheme of ecological wetland + pile + natural slope protection, the average value of COD in the whole restoration process is 23.9%, DO rises 44.1%, BOD5 is 26.6%, NH3-N decreases 20.4%, and the treatment effect of ecological wetland + wooden pile + natural slope protection scheme is the best treatment effect, and the best treatment effect, the whole treatment effect of ecological wetland + wooden pile + natural slope protection combined restoration scheme is the best. During the repair process, the average COD decreased by 23.9%, DO increased by 44.1%, BOD5 decreased by 26.6%, NH3-N decreased by 20.4%.
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