[Abstract]:Taking the slab pile wharf project on a soft soil foundation as an example, the design scheme of pile foundation before and after connecting concrete beam with underground continuous wall as front wall is adopted. Considering the material nonlinearity of soft soil foundation, the Duncan-Chang model is used to analyze the stress distribution and deformation characteristics of each member of plate pile wharf by using finite element method. In addition, the depth of the front wall and the pile length of two rows of PHC pile foundation in the design scheme of wharf structure are studied by means of comparison of various schemes. The influence of the depth of the front wall and the length of the PHC pile on the displacement and internal force of the plate pile wharf is analyzed, and the optimization results of the depth of the front wall and the length of the PHC pile are given, which provide the basis for the structural optimization design of the plate pile wharf in engineering practice.
【作者单位】: 河海大学水利水电学院;上海市水利工程集团有限公司;
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